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Mixed Feelings
Cannabis & Codeine
Citation:   Pyromaniac. "Mixed Feelings: An Experience with Cannabis & Codeine (exp98747)". May 11, 2022.

30 - 150 mg oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
This is a report about the time I took codeine recreationally, how it led to curiosity and about my mixed feelings towards other drugs.

So I've been smoking weed kind of on and off since I was 15, but this year I've been really into the whole 'let's get stoned' thing. This is how I started to feel how I'm feeling now.

In the summer, I got my wisdom tooth taken out, it had been at me since Christmas 2011 so I was looking forward to this. Needless to say, I was on meds. I was given these codeine with some other drug mixed in tablets by my doctor for the pain, and he gave me 30 of them, with an instruction to take 2 every 4-8 hours on the pack. I think they were 30mg each. I remember the pain going away after about 15 minutes after I took them and my boyfriend telling me he was glad I was happy and pain free.
So, after these ran out, I went back to my doctor and he gave me 30 of them again. This time I decided to just take 5 of them one day after reading online how much I would need to get high. I took the 5 and I was in heaven. It might sound a bit stupid but I was under my bed covers, talking crap about the jungle book and stuff I can't even remember talking about, I was so calm. It was amazing. It was like I had smoked a huge joint but just felt so much happier and content without the blurred vision.

My problem now is that I smoke weed, alot. I have codeine now and again but last time I went to my doctor I lied because I wasn't sick, I just really wanted to have some codeine; something to make me really relaxed and spaced out. I smoke a bag of weed a week with my boyfriend and I just find myself wanting it more and more lately. I smoke it alone too, just to feel happy because I've been feeling really down the past while and I want to keep it to myself.

I love the feeling of getting stoned and chilled and having those great feelings so much that I've been thinking about getting a bag of heroin and just smoking my brains out and nodding out and forgetting the world and its problems. I know I shouldn't, I know it will ruin my life and my career but I seem to be failing college and I just don't care right now.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98747
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 11, 2022Views: 551
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Cannabis (1), Codeine (14) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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