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The Demon Barber
Citation:   Birag. "The Demon Barber: An Experience with AMT (exp98749)". Sep 25, 2019.

50 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
It was the summer after I had finished High school. I had just been acquainted with the RC market and it seemed as AMT was pure and in the Grey market in the UK and was illegal in the US that it looked good to go. I read the stuff it said on PiKHAL and proceeded to order a gram of it from an on line vendor.

Waking up at 3 in the afternoon one day I find my package had come in the post. Using my new scale I weighed out 50mg, wrapped it up in rizzla, down the hatch. The following report is a list of things I either remember saying or scribbled down during my trip.

T:00:00 Was feeling nervous, what if my perception was blown too wide and nothing made sense anymore? Relax. Watch some TV, have a coffee.

T:00:20 Starting to yawn. According to neurosoup that is a sign you're about to come up. What awaits me soon?

T:00:45 Suddenly, it all clicks. Thoughts start rushing. My mind usually doesn't shut up but then all of a sudden it's as if it's exploding with ideas. I have been placed at the driver's seat of my imagination. I look at my garden and the grass is breathing, fluxuating up and down. Need to call my friend, get myself grounded. I had planned to go to the barbers that day, it was sunny and I was not going to let this stop me. He answers:

'This stuff'
'How is it?'
'It's like giving a monkey a fucking vuvzela. I mean, what could he do with it? He doesn't understand'

Communication breaks down. I make it over to his to go to the barbers.

T:01:30 Very very strong visuals now. We make it to the barbers and I'm enjoying my friend's company in the car. He puts on the air con and I feel quite out of my body. I talk to him and he talks back, but is that fear in his eyes? Is he afraid of the psychedelic colossus terrorising his day?
He says no but I question his commitment to my company...

T: 01:50 Full visual distortion whilst the guy is cutting my hair. He asks me if I'm doing anything tonight and I say 'It's thursday isn't it?' No me, it’s Friday. My personality is not appropriate for public consumption right now. I pay the man, the money feels strange in my hand and gives me a realisation that money is a strange feeling- handing over paper seems strange from the outsider’s perspective that this drug has given me. Back in the car, back home.

T: 02:00 I made my driver take me to his for a very forced deep and meaningful conversation. We talk politics and philosophy for a few hours before my hostage asks me to leave

T: 04:15 Mild paranoia. Looks like all the cars that drive past us are moving slower than usual with brighter lights. Did the world know I would be in this state? Keep moving, there appears to be a nice purple tinge over the inside of the car and I like it. Thoughts still racing. The other cars appear to see the psychedelic hot air balloon attached to the Astra, the billowing of ideas can’t be stopped. I should stop terrorising this man and go to my house, where my parents are still awake.

T: 04:45 Come in, they are in the living room. Have a choice: either relax in psychedelic bliss in my bedroom or see what can be learned from my parents as they are watching TV. I begin talking but the large kaleidoscopic elephant in the room cannot be removed. Thoughts appear that sound like madness to a casual onlooker, in this case my dad. I talk about an idea I had to build a time machine to meet Mozart. He thinks it’s time for bed, I agree.

T: 05:30 Still going strong. Get a prank call and destroy him with my masterful wit. My ability at conversation is so enhanced on this. It appears that there aren’t any mental barriers anymore, I can not only say what I like but it’s as if I’m speaking the language my emotions intend me to speak. As a result I can be a lot more funny.

T: 06:00 – 12:00 a long time of not sleeping and enjoying music whilst having strong visuals. At times this trip seems a bit forced upon me, as if I’m being pinned down and having lazers shone in my eyes. This elephant needs to leave the room now. I eventually get to bed

Woke up four hours later, not tired at all and with a significant afterglow. This experience offered me new eyes to see the world in. But AMT is not something I would take recreationally, it is not for the faint of heart looking for the new mkat. Even at low dosages this blew my socks off only to show I was wearing different coloured socks underneath.
Even at low dosages this blew my socks off only to show I was wearing different coloured socks underneath.
Imagine being turned into a baby and having to learn your society again- that is how this felt to me. After several hours of philosophy the euphoria produced humour in me. Since my first trip I have decided to strip away the unnecessary aspects of life, understanding that the only things worth talking about are not the motions of conversation but only what really matters to you and to people around you. Confidence has been increased and the pantomime of life truly revealed, allowing me to look from an outsider’s perspective, getting a kick from the humour that I dive into with a head of mad ideas.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98749
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 25, 2019Views: 1,157
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AMT (7) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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