No Other Feeling Like This
Citation:   Dayglowgirl. "No Other Feeling Like This: An Experience with MDMA (exp98786)". Nov 9, 2020.

1 tablet oral MDMA
Oh MDMA. This wonderful drug that I heard of but never actually tried. That is until five days ago. The experience was like no other and it all started with me going with a couple of friends to Dayglow in Miami. A huge rave paint party where you can do whatever the fuck you wanted as long as you enjoyed it. The night started off pretty good. I was sober and raving just intoxicating myself to the amazing music that was playing. Around 10 pm a couple of guys aged around 18 started dancing with me and my friends and I was very attached to one of them, he was attractive and a hell of a dancer, we stayed dancing until 11 because one of our friends wanted to buy water so as all of us left with our new found friends and one of them asked us I'll call him K) if we wanted to buy a molly just for 10 bucks.

I never fucked around with anything but weed but I just thought fuck it why not? As we each gave K our money he went to his dealer and snuck the pill into our hands, I stayed staring at the white pill and just put it in my mouth and swallowed. Of course I didn't feel any immediate effects but I assume round 30-40 minutes we went to go dance and while I was with my guy (I'll call him Polo) I started seeing this all out of control things were spinning and the music just echoed in my ears and I truly got scared. But then I realized Oh shit I'm rolling. I felt like it was just me and Polo dancing and no one else was around until he pulled me and kissed me. According to my friends we kissed for an hour non stop but I honestly feel like it was was less time but whatever.

As I was kissing him I would open my eyes and see the room spinning. The music was so intense and I felt everything. I could feel every sensation. I just wanted to love him and love everyone around me. I even tried kissing his friend. I felt like a sexual goddess like everyone wanted me and I wanted everyone. I felt happy, I was laughing and dancing like crazy until I felt like I needed water. As we all left to get water I started feeling as if I needed to sleep. Polo was holding me and I would almost fall to the ground as if I was about to faint. Polo told me I needed to sit but I mean I just wanted to dance and fuck and party. But I conformed with sitting down for a bit and I would out of nowhere have mini blackouts. I would be staring at something and feel my head Bob down until I felt Polo shaking me and telling me to wake up.
I conformed with sitting down for a bit and I would out of nowhere have mini blackouts. I would be staring at something and feel my head Bob down until I felt Polo shaking me and telling me to wake up.
I was told to breathe in and out. To relax in order to not blackout. But I just wanted to dance I didn't care. But no one let me.

I started saying things I would never say sober. I was kissing people left and right and telling everyone I love you. Even though I met them just hours before. While sitting the guy I was with (Polo) had to leave. It was 1 am and I freaked out, I was pushing people and cursing trying to get him back. I cried and kept talking about him all night. I was paired up with K's friend (C) and we went to dance. I was slowly coming down from this high but I felt more sexy, more confident, my body against C's felt like no other... I was being a different girl. One with no boundaries one who didn't give a fuck. A sexy girl who just wanted to have fun. I had my couple mini blackouts until I was awakened time and time again to prevent me from blacking out for hours. I also drank 7 water bottles from the dehydration my body felt. When dayglow finished around 2, I felt pretty okay and I went to a rent after. I felt sick. I felt embarrassed and humiliated to act in such a way where people thought I was gonna die that night. But at the same time I felt like I took a new experience with me.

The next morning I felt like shit. I had lacerations on the inside of my cheeks and my jaw felt like an elephant sat on it and broke it. I was depressed for a little. And I wasn't eating but that lasted for 2 days after I took the Molly. It was an experience that took me out of this world. I was confident, I felt talkative. I was sensitive to everything, I felt the music, I felt the people as if I were one with everybody around me. The way Molly made me feel is incredible. The experience for me was beautiful and I plan to roll again one day. MDMA is a beautiful drug and I'm glad I spent that night with Molly.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98786
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Nov 9, 2020Views: 675
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MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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