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A Bold ROA
Citation:   AtomAlchemist12. "A Bold ROA: An Experience with Ethylphenidate (exp98890)". Jan 17, 2013.

100 mg IV Ethylphenidate (powder / crystals)
I would first like to mention that I DO NOT condone the use of I.V. Drugs. It is surely a way to give yourselves problems for years to come, and you might even do this wrong which could lead to death. Please only read this for reference, or to dissuade yourself from attempting this.

I procured some ethylphenidate from a trusted supplier, and after doing some research on the chemical, I decided that I would inject some. I made sure everything was sterile. I weighed out 100mg of crystal shards and dissolved it in 3cc’s of distilled water. I made sure that I got some drawback and then pushed the plunger.

After about 5 seconds I felt a strong rush that took my breath away momentarily. I laid back on my bed and zoned out for about 20 minutes. It felt wonderful until the jitteriness set in. I suspect that at doses this high can be addictive, so use caution. The compulsion to redose was high as well.

The only reason I was confident doing this is because I have a high tolerance to stimulants. It can be done, and I.V. Injection provides a unique high compared to insufflation or oral dosing.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jan 17, 2013Views: 19,042
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