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Quickly Vaporizing Into Thick Smoke
Citation:   Bubblets. "Quickly Vaporizing Into Thick Smoke: An Experience with 4-Methylethcathinone (exp98925)". Dec 27, 2022.

150 mg smoked 4-Methylethcathinone (powder / crystals)
Experimentation in Freebasing RCs

I am a fairly experienced drug user, having tried a number of substances, including marijuana, cocaine, benzodiazepines, oxys, MDMA, LSD, Shrooms, and many others, including a few new research chemicals. I ordered a batch of 4-MEC after trying some with a friend one weekend. Prior to this experience, I had only consumed 4-MEC orally and nasally, resulting in mild MDMA-like effects. This time, I decided to experiment and see what effects would come from smoking the drug.

I first tried smoking 4-MEC out of a gravity bong that I normally use for marijuana. This was relatively unsuccessful. The substance hardened and the only effects were a slight feeling of light-headedness and stimulation.

Next, I put the 4-MEC onto tinfoil in an attempt to vaporize it, similar to the way that one would freebase cocaine or percosets. This worked wonderfully, with the 4-MEC quickly vaporizing into thick smoke and only leaving behind a slight residue. The resulting high came on quickly and was much stronger than insufflated dosages. My eyes dilated and I felt a moderate feeling of euphoria, though not nearly as strong as from MDMA. This was accompanied by a feeling of alertness, but not so much that I felt I would not be able to sleep. My visuals were enhanced but I only felt a slight increase in the pleasure from listening to music. I did not feel overly energetic; instead it was more of a chill roll, closer to MDA than MDMA in my opinion.

My high lasted about an hour, after which I experienced a very easy come-down. All in all, I found smoking 4-MEC to be a fairly pleasurable experience, especially when compared to consuming it orally or nasally. It was much easier to control the dosage and did not have the nasty taste or burn in my nose. While certainly not the strongest or most fun chemical I have tried, it was a nice, easy high for the price.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98925
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 27, 2022Views: 297
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4-Methylethcathinone (544) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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