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Meeting Jungle Gods and Buddha
by MAJ
Citation:   MAJ. "Meeting Jungle Gods and Buddha: An Experience with DMT (exp98928)". Erowid.org. Jun 18, 2018. erowid.org/exp/98928

60 mg vaporized DMT
I wrote this in the evening shortly after returning from my DMT voyage. I dosed approximately 60mg of pure white DMT via my vapourgenie pipe. I mention 'my illness' a few times. What I mean by this is CFS/ME (chronic fatigue syndrome) which I suffer from. I am experienced with other psychedelics such as LSD, LSA and fairly experienced with Shrooms but this is only my 3rd DMT breakthrough.


I pray. I ask my angels protect me from Darkness and that God protect me. I ask forgiveness for my wrongdoings. I beg for my body to be healed. I summon my angels again and ask for protection from darkness. Then I take three rips from the DMT pipe which contained approx 60mg. Just as I start the second hit I feel a G force wrenching me from my body. I shut my eyes and I am flying through black and grey and dark purple fractals. I open my eyes briefly to take another hit and while doing so I realize for a moment I have forgotten I am still taking a hit and continue to inhale a little more then hold it in. If my lungs are full or empty I do not know. I breath out a shimmer of vapour and lay back.

I become hyper-aware of the components of my current state of consciousness. I am in a head-space where I can clearly examine what emotions I have brought to the trip. There is a cold wind of fear inside of me, a channel of it flowing, I know I have taken a high dose, but I am prepared. I do not need the fear. I am equipped with the psychonaut-skills, a galvanized spirit able to navigate away from my own fear. I explore my own state for a few more moments. I will my spirit to be taken and give myself to the experience. Open my eyes for a second and close them again.

A velvet-smooth clean smoke like substance forms a dark net over my visual field and expands to cover it completely. I tumble into a vision. I feel I am wrapped up in something soft and then my awareness 'zooms' out and I become aware of where I am. I am being held gently in the arms of a great being I shall call a Jungle God. There are two of them and one smaller one. I have feelings they are my parents but not my physical parents, but they have had a hand in my upbringing. I am cradled in their arms. They have a human-esque shaped body but are the size of giants and are made out of perfectly smooth dark green ribbons wrapped around a core of fire which blazes through the gaps in the ribbon. I feel bliss being with them. I am home and they love me so much. I start to be pulled away from them and I return to the dark purple-gray hyperspace, which contains long and thin bendy rectangular prisms zooming past me and other patterns. It feels like being in a 'wormhole' like in science fiction movies.

I open my eyes for a brief second then close them. I want to go back to the Jungle Gods but they send me away. I shut my eyes again and find myself with Buddha. A giant Buddha sitting there meditating smiling in an immense temple with colossal colonnades. There is some communication between us but it not with words and different from telepathy (which I have experienced before on DMT from vapor beings). A huge amount is learned as if I have suddenly remembered thousands of years of training. As if I have 'remembered' my real life and suddenly woken up from my amnesia. I realize truths I already knew and then immediately come to know that the Buddah illuminated them for me. I transmit many thanks to him. There was light all around this temple with maybe 50 huge pillars in two rows. I realize here that 'this is what it’s all about' – consciousness evolution. I learn for certain what I have been pondering, that my illness does not prevent me from galvanizing my spirit. In fact it is a powerful tool to do just that. Becoming a better skilled pilot of the mind to navigate my own awareness, to have control, to grow the emotions that are needed, to grow the self that is needed and is willed to be by God.

I open my eyes for a moment and close them again. I want to go back to the Buddha. Voices from many other beings, possibly including Buddha come to tell me I must go back (not back to them). They are smaller beings more like gnomes. I tell them I want to stay but they say ‘no you can’t beause of da di dum di da di da’. They sing me back to sleep and I ‘shut my eyes’ again even though they are already shut and dream blissfully for a few moments with a huge grin on my face. I then remember they have sung me to sleep and try to go back again but they sing me to sleep again and again I forget, and then remember, and chuckle in amazement.

I rearrange myself on my bed so I am no longer propped up buy lying completely down. I rethink the experience trying to run through it again so I can remember it better. My hands are raised so my palms are held together in prayer with the tips of my fingers touching my lips. God is at work in me and giving many blessings. I feel tremendous gratefulness, awe and rapture. I say ‘thank you… thank you… thank you’. My body is trembling but feels clean. After a few minutes I sit up and write this report. I feel a great peace, as well as confidence about the future. I am doing well and my illness is not stopping that. Thank you God.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98928
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 18, 2018Views: 1,067
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