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Of Little Recreational Value
by Jdub
Citation:   Jdub. "Of Little Recreational Value: An Experience with Phenobarbital (exp98943)". Erowid.org. Dec 27, 2022. erowid.org/exp/98943

256 mg oral Phenobarbital (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
256 mg of phenobarbital taken with water on empty stomach (5rs out from a light meal)
(3 x 64 mg pills) & (2 x 32 mg pills)

I made sure to wait for the effects to start setting in before I cooked and ate a small cheese pizza, so as to ensure the drug made its way into the system unimpeded. As I proceeded to cook, I began feeling something close to the 'couple-of-beers' type buzz I was expecting in both mind and body (slightly clumsy, smiley, & relaxed). This was from about T+45 to T+1:15 (or 9:15 to 9:45).

At about 2 hours I figured myself to have fully come up and subjectively only really felt a sense of relaxation and contentment, with the occasional tendency towards giddiness while smoking cigarettes. I would compare this feeling to that of taking a Xanax with a couple of beers (which should probably be avoided by the way).

I've read that barbiturates can produce alcohol-like effects and I'm inclined to describe phenobarbital in exactly those terms.
No real euphoria, No true body high, nothing trippy, nothing special (at this dosage anyway). Just sort of a happy drunk kind of feeling that lends itself well to sleep and not a whole lot else.

In my retrospective opinion, this substance has little recreational value due to its mellow nature, but I can easily see how Barbs could function as an Anti-Anxiety med or as a tool for breaking the cycle in instances of drug and alcohol addiction.

I am not too big a fan of alcohol these days and substances that mimic the effects aren't my cup of teas.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 98943
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Dec 27, 2022Views: 806
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