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Curiosity Leads to Interesting Experience
Metaxalone (Skelaxin)
Citation:   Quasita. "Curiosity Leads to Interesting Experience: An Experience with Metaxalone (Skelaxin) (exp98982)". Jul 10, 2013.

400 mg insufflated Pharms - Metaxalone (pill / tablet)
  400 mg oral Pharms - Metaxalone (pill / tablet)
After some consideration of various sites and pieces of information, I decided to try out insulfating 800mg of Skelaxin as a possible means to a body high. The idea had been previously raised by my boyfriend.

Having been a long time user of the medication for a skeletal spinal condition, I had not much explored the idea of recreational use. I knew from prior discussions with friends that taking 1600mg with a 40oz of beer would make your legs turn to noodles, so the boyfriend and I had tried it with a variety of cocktails. Personally, I find the medication to be a great additive to a smooth kush or even coupled with something like Xanax. I know that it is not for everyone though, and I recommend taking it on its own before adding other things to it, to make sure that you do not get sick.

Anyway, this go around, I crushed up an 800mg pill. It was easy enough to get it crushed to a fine powder, and since it generally tastes like a gritty chalk, I thought snorting it would go easily. I made a couple lines and used a cut straw to draw it into my sinuses. I noticed several things immediately:
1. It is so dry that it went straight through to my throat.
2. Upon contact with any mucus or membrane, it made a thick paste, that made snorting more difficult.
3. The taste was more bitter going through the nose than the mouth.
4. It had a sting to it.

These things being said, roughly 400mg went up the nose fairly easily. I could not, however, bring myself to do another line. It was just too rough of a snort. I mixed the rest into some strawberry soda, which masked the flavor easily.

Even with the rough experience of insufflating, I would say that it was a worthwhile venture. It definitely hit faster and more thoroughly than swallowing the pill whole. Within an hour, I felt a general full body relaxation with a mind 'floating' sensation in the head. The only downsides were that the paste was still present in my nose, the sting/burn of it was still present, and I found myself sweating profusely. Since I didn't have anywhere to go, this wasn't a problem, but it definitely is not #1 for things I enjoy experiencing.

I guess overall I'd give the experience a 6/10. If I have other means to alter my reality for a bit, I would do that, and possibly add a full pill to whatever it is if I want a boost to muscle relaxing.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 98982
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jul 10, 2013Views: 40,670
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Pharms - Metaxalone (244) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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