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Made Me Falling in Love
by Lera
Citation:   Lera. "Made Me Falling in Love: An Experience with MDMA (exp99003)". Oct 1, 2019.

  oral MDMA
MDMA Made Me Falling in Love

That was my first time using something more then canabis, but I still feel changes. It changed me a lot emotionally. It changed my view of life. Everything was made perfect.

We were in Goa on the beach with my bf and another male friend. Before I've heard from him a story like his friend fell in love because of MDMA and still is with that man. She told it was so easy to fall in love...

We mixed the powder with water. In 30 mins we felt nausea. I couldn't endure it...but in the same minute I 'gave' the sand some water from my stomach. I felt so good, I've never had the same feeling again. I felt like Universal talks to me, stars were a part of me, like nature loves me and I love myself more then I know it. I felt like I don't need anything in my life except love; money and luxury things is nothing, that is just about fake and plastic love...that's all about envy, passion and greed. We were all lucky to be here and now! Yes, we started to discuss all the things we wouldn't say being sober. Some problems with the bf were discussed and solved. We spoke quite quickly, at that time I called my guys 'little birds' because they were so cute speaking.
We spoke quite quickly, at that time I called my guys 'little birds' because they were so cute speaking.

I felt like some luminous fountain of good emotion and love is streaming from our company... Dogs on the beach felt that energy. They came to us and laid all around... I didn't like dogs before, but that time I felt some kind of friendship and loyalty. So now I still like dogs and even that huge and noisy dog of my neighbor never barks when I walk near it.

I spoke a lot with the friend who was with us... Amazing, like I knew him for so my whole life! I understood everything he says like I am his brain or something. I felt some kind of interest, of passion toward him. Which is not right being with a bf (almost husband).

Time passed so quickly, 4 hours were like half an hour. I woke up and felt just like I am empty, like no feelings, am I happy or sad? Just nothing. Closer to night I felt like normal, good mood and jokes. But since that time I started to spend more time with the friend...I was falling in love...still don't know what to do. Still think of him very often...and when we are in the same company I feel so good. I still can feel so clear the moment we spoke on the beach and the energy of happiness from him... I feel guilty...but can't do anything...but still wait, when I come back to my normal emotions...

I researched about MDMA and what I have found: not only serotonin works, but also oxytocin, the hormone of adaptation. I would choose very carefully with whom one is going to use that kind of 'love powder'.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99003
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 1, 2019Views: 746
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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