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Violent, Enlightening Then Confusing
4-AcO-DMT & 25I-NBOMe
Citation:   gloves420. "Violent, Enlightening Then Confusing: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT & 25I-NBOMe (exp99088)". Apr 4, 2013.

30 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
  1 hit sublingual 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
So me and two friends, well call them j and e, decide to experiment with psychedelics on a Friday night. The setting is my bedroom with two beds against the wall to serve as couches, a rotating chair, television and my small stereo, along with some dressers but the point is its a large room and although when sober its normal as the trip progressed it felt empty and barren. The room had an odd feel to it, kind of open and yellow if that makes sense. So we collect four 30 mg caps of 4aco and four blotters of 25i-nbome from our guy (25i dosages unknown) as well as 2 grams of cannabis and begin to settle in for the experience in store. The original plan was to wait until sundown, begin our trip and sleep at my place for the night. It didn't work out so much....

(The times are a bit fuzzy as time was heavily distorted)

(Around 6pm) we all eat a dinner of spaghetti which I now believe was a bad idea due to the acidity of the sauce, and tomatoes just don't sit right with me. We wait about half an hour to digest then we all consume one cap of 4aco and one blotter of 25i except j who consumes 2 blotters with his cap. The 25i was pretty bitter but not as bad as any DOC or 'LSD' I've experienced. After about 10 minutes I swallow my blotter and a numb feeling progressively grows where I had the tab sitting. Oddly I have the aftertaste of corn in my mouth. I smoke a bowl with j and e and a few others then we retreat to my room where the majority of the trip took place.

Around 645 pm) It couldn't have been more than 20 minutes since we dosed and I was coming up. HARD. Like the hardest I've ever come up and I've had my share of intense trips, especially with DOC. I was sitting on the floor talking to e and there was a clip on tv of a man attempting to enter a giant balloon and I wasnt paying much attention until I began to notice a weird STRONG electronic sort of jumble noise that sounded like a sudden burst of rolling sound. It was very robotic and extremely prevalent in the first hour and a half of dosing. I've done 4aco 3 or 4 times but never any phenephylamines or however you spell it, and I've never experienced the weird robotic feel I got from the first hours of that trip and strongly believe it was due to the 25i. Also my stomach was becoming very unsettled and I began to feel restless due to this.

7pm) The visuals have become very strong now and are becoming ever stronger by the second. My stomachs condition slowly worsens and I feel as if I have a lack of sleep but my state will not allow me to do any such thing. I am yawning occasionally but more than normal and my body shakes when I do. I lay down on the floor and notice my roof is morphing heavily and changing shades of red yellow and it looks mesmerizing to me. I ask my friends to lay and watch the roof with me but they're too gone to get up and that's when a sort of seperatory vibe began to progress, slowly but surely. Now me and j have been best friends for the past 5 years and we've tripped together many times, but I have only hung out with e one time before this and although it was an extremely fun night we were still somewhat unfamiliar with each other. This feeling begins to progress through the night. Now is the point where I become completely and totally mindfucked and can barely form a scentence let alone hold a conversation.

(Around 715) This is where the peak was just beginning to show itself. The come-up is so incredibly fast and violent. I can barely hold on as my mind teeters towards the point where I've gone too far. The visuals are incredibly intense and it seems as if I can't look at a single thing that isn't altered. The discomfort in my stomach begins to subside and I realize I need to use the bathroom. I do my business but as I'm leaving the mirror catches my eye and I decide to play with it, moving my head around to see different perspectives and moving my body because it was very heavily morphing. My body seemed to be a liquid entity and if I moved my head it seemed as if the mirror was a fish eye lens, curling its image as I went. After finishing with the mirror I found my friends on my balcony observing the night traffic. This part is blurry but I remember being mesmerized by trees covered in Spanish moss then being forced to go in due to the cold. This is when we broke out the gloves and I really began to peak.

When I entered the room I was hit with a wave of exhaustion and layed down while my friends began to play with gloves and poi. I fell asleep for about 5 minutes then woke up tripping my face off with lights throughout the room. I found my fushigi ball and began to play with it for what felt like an hour but turned out to be 10 minutes, although it was great fun. This is when I realize that what feels like has been at least 4 hours of tripping wasn't even two hours after we dosed. This worried me but I've always been good at holding down my anxiety level. We decided to watch cartoons so we turned on the tv and Power Puff Girls are on. Now for those of you that are unfamiliar with the show, there's a demented drag queen crab enemy that has a high pitch whine of a voice that will get angry suddenly and every time he appears the surroundings take on a shade of red. Anyways this was extremely humourous to me although I think it sketched my friends out a bit even though they never said so.

As the episode progresses we become more and more detatched from the real world, and our brains begin to become the gritty mashed potato thought process that tripping creates. We watched a lot of cartoons, I specifically remember an episode of camp lazlo where they were looking for some form of tree and when they find it the counsellor guy (which is a moose) talked about how beautiful it was for like a minute straight before yelling suddenly in the goofiest fashion 'LET'S CHOP IT DOWN!' I burst out laughing and ask if j and e saw that, and when I get no response I turn and see that they're both traveling their own minds, especially j. I could tell e understood me although he was too far gone to respond but j was incoherent although we didn't try hard to get his attention. It seemed as if all he could do was lay back with his hands on his head. Eventually he comes back to reality although its still a perceptually altered one. My body seems to feel light and airy, almost like I was being brushed by a feather, or better yet I was a feather being brushed by the wind.

(830pm) We stop watching cartoons and begin to hold a conversation about many things we found important to us or found philisophical, while playing with the fushigi and somewhat with gloves, which is when I began to notice a social riff between me and e. It was as if we couldn't quite understand each other and were trying too hard to not step on each others toes, so to speak. I didn't realize it at the time but later on j told me it seemed as if everything e was saying was sarcastic or mocking me when I thought we were having a deep conversation. I slowly began to get a grip on reality although I was still tripping pretty hard. We talked for a long time, and every thought or subject had some deep meaning and the world seemed so much simpler to understand. We talked about death and the afterlife, the past and the future, the stupidity of pretty much all pharmaceuticals, what was important to us in life, and things of that nature. I was continually getting the feeling that my fushigi ball contained the whole earth and yet it was on the earth inside the fushigi ball. It made perfect sense at the time. As if the balls existence was inside itself and if you squished it the whole world would squish. My brain looped on this for a while before picking another subject to loop on.

(Around 915pm) We decide to turn on some music and glove while we talk. Me and e both glove and we had 2 sets so we began to take turns giving j lightshows. In case you don't know, gloving is where you wear thin gloves with LED lights on the tips of your fingers and you move your hands in formations that look cool and trail. Anyways mine have mainly blue green and white lights and as I move them I see green-white energy fireballs in my hands, and they trail literally feet behind themselves. This is probably the most fun I had all night, I had regained my brain a bit more but I was hallucinating at about 75-80% as hard as my peak. Music sounds much better although not near as much as the effects of MDMA. My visuals consist of much waving of surfaces as well as subtle color tint changes of mainly red and yellow as well as pink. The robot noises have slowly subsided throughout the night and have ceased at this point, and I begin my descent to the real world. This is where things go awry.

(Around 10) We all gather in a circle on the floor and begin to roll a large cone, to help come down on the tail end of the trip. I'm still tripping but the OEVs aren't as strong as before, although the CEVs are. If I close my eyes I'm met by a waving wall of yellow Brown eyeballs all moving up and down. This is definately a DMT effect. Every time I've done 4aco I see eyeballs in my CEVs, and this time was no different. We smoke our joint and sit back to enjoy the boost. I feel light and withdrawn. We continue our philosophy club for about 15 minutes before e begins to act sort of way lay-backish and just sort of odd. J says the room is becoming uncomfortable and we should go on the balcony for a bit so we all move out there, then I go use the bathroom. I return to the porch where we observe the trees from before and the traffic. After about ten minutes we all become cold and return inside. We began to have a conversation about raving with fushigis which slowly progressed to the dangerous aspect of them, due to their weight and solidity.

At this point, which I don't recall j says e began to say something about hitting us with the ball and was afraid he was serious, although I think there was a misunderstanding somewhere. J didn't tell me that until the day after and although I remember talk of people being hit with fushigis I don't remember it being us, but I was in a very oblivious state. After this subject passes j says he's gonna go get some water but seems weird so I took it as he wanted me to come along. This is where it gets weird.

(Around 1045pm) The moment we get far enough down the stairs that e can't hear us talking j turns to me and says 'dude e is freaking out, I don't know if its the drugs or this place or you but I think we might need to go somewhere.' It took me a second and j had to repeat what he said before I understood. He told me e seemed as if he was giving off a weird vibe and he was worried about e's safety and mine so he decided it'd be best to split up. Anyways we talked about options and decided it'd be best if j and e went back to e's house so he could be somewhere familiar. We went upstairs and j told e that they should go back to his place but they could definately stay if he wanted to and there was no negative event that led to the change in plans. They decided to stay a bit longer than go to e's so we hung out for a bit, collected their things then they headed out, leaving me alone and confused as to why e stopped having fun. I chalked it up to drugs and watched tv for half an hour or so before going to sleep, which wasn't quite difficult or much easier than normal.

(Around 9am) I wake up feeling refreshed yet slower than normal and would describe those first four or five hours in the morning as mushbrain. I don't know why but it seemed perfect at the time. No serious fatigue or afterglow, just sort of slow is all. I could easily go to work or school although I'm smarter than that and planned to have no plans ahead of time.

Overall I'd say that this was a fun experience, I gained new knowledge about the world around me and one of the many phenephylamines. Things I would note about this combination is there was a very strong and quick come-up which is unusual for me, we all became very detached and genuinely could barely form a 5 word scentence (mostly just saying 'I'm tripping so hard' or 'it came on so fast'), time slowed down immensely and I can't put enough emphasis on immensely, visuals were very strong for the amount of head-trip I experienced with shades of color changing for much of the peak, and the most distinct effect was the robotic feel of the come up. Continuously if I stopped paying attention to the tv I would catch this electronic sort of glitch sound that was like many sort of medium low pitch boop noises that would just roll in a sudden burst. This was a very interesting effect and I want to know if other people have experienced the same but have found only 2 reports saying anything similar. In the end it was a great time but I wouldn't suggest this combo unless your plans are to just blob out somewhere for the first 2 hours because this will just zombify you.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99088
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Apr 4, 2013Views: 5,672
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4-AcO-DMT (387), 25I-NBOMe (542) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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