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A Little Journey to the Forest People
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   The Guy on the Couch. "A Little Journey to the Forest People: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp991)". Jan 15, 2001.

  smoked Salvia divinorum (plant material)
After deciding this was the night, I placed the table close to my bed and placed the bong on the table, along with a pile of Salvia 5X extract. A little nervous, but not that bad. Yeti (very soft tribal-like trance/travel music) was playing in the background. I took some of the Salvia and placed it on the screen, placed the tube from the bong in my mouth and inhaled all the smoke. I turned off the lamp and laid back on the bed with my eyes closed. The first thing i noticed was my pulse going berserk (or did i only feel that way?). My whole body kind of pulsated for a short while. I tried to look for CEV's, but i think i got disturbed by my pulse. I filled up the bong again. After inhaling, I felt like, 'now I'm going there,' like i did the time before, but in fact, i did not. I felt myself gliding trough a membrane of some sort, drifting, the music was there as it was supposed to be. I kind of zoomed down to some sort of landscape, but i did not see the landscape, only felt the presence of it. The ground was covered with leaves. At the moment i think i guessed i was in a forest, but now i think they may have been leaves from the Salvia plant. The leaves had life, a group of beings or maybe only one female?, pushing up out of the ground and the leaves covered the 'body' as it rose up. I felt the zooming again, I traveled backwards and the entity melted back into the leafy ground.

Amazing, this first experience. I only wanted to try the wings this time, maybe I'll see you again, Salvia.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 991
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2001Views: 8,665
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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