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A Trip in a Trip in a Trip
LSD & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT)
Citation:   bundyboy. "A Trip in a Trip in a Trip: An Experience with LSD & Changa (Smoked MAOI & DMT) (exp99100)". Feb 16, 2017.

  repeated oral Alcohol  
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
  0.5 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 bowl smoked Changa (plant material)
  1 bowl smoked Changa (plant material)
  1 bowl smoked Changa (plant material)
Yesterday was Australia day and quite warm so the day was spent indoors socialising at friends beachfront house before heading to the beach in the arvo to play cricket, frisbee and watch a storm roll in over the ocean. A few drinks and a joint or 2 were passed around but nothing excessive.

After dark a couple were giving me a lift home and continuing onto a party so I offered, and they accepted, a half tab of acid each, I wasnt planning on it but decided to drop a half myself with them. They continued on to the party and I walked to the local bar for drinks and chats with friends.

The blotter acid was bought from a solar eclipse festival along with a vial holding about 45 drops of liquid LSD, and after a friend found a packet of crystal meth some poor person lost, we traded it for 10 hits of changa. The blotter was purchased from a knowledgeable fellow from San Francisco and was a nice clean 8 hour buzz, nothing too much, just a bit of fun when I take half.

And so I was having a nice night playing pool and loving the music from the guitarist.

About 3 hours into it the bar shut and I walked home to have a few cones of some local grown weed and watch Pink Floyd at earls court. All the usual symptoms were there, like when I snapped out of it and had to ask myself why I was running through the paddock chasing wallabies, and a few visuals but nothing full on. All pretty standard stuff.

After I got settled on my comfy couch with Floyd playing through the surround, I proceeded to chop up a bowl of weed. As I was finishing chopping I also proceeded to spill bong water into the bowl putting a real dent in my australia day festivities. Remembering the changa and the great hit it gave when I was straight I didnt waste time packing a cone so I could try it on acid, what followed blew my fucking mind!

I timed it well so pink floyd were going into a riff when I slowly sucked up the very strange tasting smoke, I leant forward to place the bong down and sat back and slowly exhaled. I was still exhaling when the smoke turned to billions of glistening crystals, the rush was intense, the lightshow from pink floyd made it perfect because without that focus it may have been overwhelming and trending towards scary. As it was, the colours through the smoke and in a darkened room just took me in, I felt as if I were in the ocean and a wave washed me gently forward into the screen. The flat screen now looked super 3D with so much depth and brilliance and music never sounded more angelic than right then. This all happened in 40 seconds or so, then the gentle wave that washed me into the screen came roaring out a blasted me full on fully tripling in intensity. I sat there in awe as the colours flowed out of the screen over the ceiling walls and floors and my darkened room was now like a neon tunnel with different lights streaming around me. Then it kicked up a gear.

I realised I was looking at my body tripping from a weird viewpoint
I realised I was looking at my body tripping from a weird viewpoint
, my body was there and 'I' was here, maybe I had taken too much and was going to die, I didnt care, after this trip I no longer worry because it was such a feeling of perfection to be laid bare, totally stripped of my ego and body. I trip so I can get a connection with that other side, the real me, you know poke a few holes in the barrier between my higher self and reality, last night I tore it open and stuck my head in for a good look about.

I was shown something akin to a thick rope, made of lots of threads, these threads touched the threads around them but not the ones on the otherside, though they were all part of the 'rope'. I understood each thread to be a soul through its lifetimes, and the other threads near it were other people who keep showing up in my lifetimes in various guises. I saw my friend, who lives on the other side of the planet and whom I rarely talk to but we have always had a connection, I seen her face and I KNEW we have known each other before and will again on the next time round. It was very comforting and I feel a bit naughty, like I have overheard a secret I shouldnt know about and I have an inkling about other people whom I may also touch threads with.

Changa on acid was a AAA+++ experience that I will still be raving about when I'm in a wheelchair, I've done mushies in Canada, Amsterdam and Thailand, I've done dozens of trips at raves and eclipses and got high on almost anything I find but this was heads and shoulders above everything else. I had 2 more cones later to finish it off and try and get back to that wonderful place and even though the were big trips in their own, they paled in comparison to the first hit. Each hit lasted maybe 7 minutes full on with another 10 minutes of coming back to earth, the initial rush overwhelmed my senses and projected me into a place where I had spent a lot of time thinking previously, reincarnation and life lessons, and left me feeling so grateful, a burden has been lifted from my shoulders.

When I purchased the Changa I had 2 tentative cone fulls at the eclipse festival in the afternoon with a few friends and rave music in the background, the effects were nowhere near as intense as this last trip but still very much enjoyable, and more of an 'outer' experience like seeing fractal patterns floating and moving in the air in response to the gentle breeze and the music pushing them around.

Overall it was an amazing experience that I will be actively seeking to replicate with higher doses of both the Changa and Acid, I cant imagine it would be as good with a tobacco or marijuana mixture, or smoked through a joint unless I didnt want the total psychoactive effects.

An afterthought that has stuck with me; all the thoughts of past incarnations lead me to believe there will indeed be more lives to come, but what if we ruin the home we incarnate on, will those souls not evolved in time stay in limbo incomplete? That is a scary thought.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99100
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Feb 16, 2017Views: 5,647
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Changa (816), LSD (2) : Alone (16), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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