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Really Enjoyed the Buzz
Citation:   The engineer. "Really Enjoyed the Buzz: An Experience with MDMA (exp99128)". Jun 24, 2020.

  oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
MDMA, illegal and £40 a gram. Comes wrapped in a pink lottery ticket much the same as a wrap of cocain. I start to unwrap the ticket and take a smell of the goods as I would cocain but the MDMA provided no smell or very little as my sense of smell is poor due to smoking. Once inside I take a good look at the drug and to my surprise the drug was crystally and quite lumpy, coloured in shades of translucent grey and white. Looked identical to road salt.

[Erowid Note: Two samples of powder (even of the same chemical) with equivalent volumes won't necessarily weigh the same. For this reason, eyeballing is an inaccurate and potentially dangerous method of measuring, particularly for substances that are active in very small amounts. See this article on The Importance of Measured Doses.]
I took a hit of MDMA 45 minutes ago, probably 200-250 mg, I am judging this size as a pinch full of crystals. The drug tastes very bitter like paracetamol as if left on the tongue too long before swallowing. So far I am feeling some clenching in the cheeks and jaw and have a delayed eye movement and focus rate, my legs feel somewhat cold but overall am feeling quite comfortable and content. The feeling in my body is rather relaxed but at the same time a bit jittery, I keep taking deep breaths in which is amplifying the feeling somewhat. Rubbing the hair on the back of my neck upwards is giving me a release of building tension.

The longer I wait the more of a buzz is coming through, if I move my leg or hand they physically judder within the movement of travel, rubbing my feet on the rug is somewhat pleasing but an itchy head is getting annoying but scratching it feels tingly in my head as well as my fingers. It's becoming hard to physically focus on the tv as well as the iPad I am typing on, it's almost as if one of my eyes can't align with the other eye giving a blurred and strained focus, my eyes are also uncontrollably juddering and wondering at intervals.

I close my eyes and see shapes appear but as red and blueish blotchy figures that manifest into a object, a birthday cake which morphs into a circus tent and vice verca is what I keep seeing as I close my eyes. A lot of things seem quite distant such as the tv and the 2 people with me, not the physical distance of the tv but the way it's becoming difficult to concentrate on and how I can't involve myself in a conversation the others are having as sitting and enjoying this buzz is to overwhelming.

Jittery feet now, more buzz coming through, need to cough but I know if I do I will probably reach until I'm sick, don't physically feel sick though but the MDMA is turning my stomach somewhat, drinking water doesn't seem to be moving the feeling from between my neck and stomach but is giving me a dry throat and mouth. Going to take another pinch of the drug as I feel more is needed and this buzz needs intensifying.

30 mins have passed since the last pinch, the house is eerily quiet and it is very late, or early 2.42 to be precise. My eyes are getting very heavy and I have dozed into a sleepy trance a few times waking more buzzed and trying to focus around the room at objects that I find hard to describe, I can physically feel myself getting slower to respond to my outer world, speaking is becoming more difficult but not impossible, sentences are sometimes making sense but are lost in quietness. I can feel the corners of my mouth clenching and being pulled downwards quite hard and my teeth are starting to ache as I'm biting down and clenching my jaw.

Well it's the next day as I think I must have passed out in that euphoric state, I'm feeling shattered and dam does my jaw and teeth ache from the biting down, my joints feel all overdone as if I'm coming down with some illness, it is the dreaded comedown of course. Some sleep and orange juice should sort me out.

MDMA was quite an experience and I really enjoyed the buzz from it. The intense effect that is gained from this drug is considerably higher than others such as cocain, extasy pills and cannabis. I understand e's contain MDMA but the effects are nowhere near as intense as the pure MDMA taken last night. I still have about a pinch left, tonight maybe? :)

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 631
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MDMA (3) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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