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Mild Effect
Citation:   Gravyman. "Mild Effect: An Experience with Sage (exp99140)". May 9, 2018.

  buccal Salvia officinalis
Had no ganja, so I decided to look for a different type of high. To be honest huffing aerosols didnt sound like something that appealed to me (for obvious reasons) so I decided to trry some sage.

I chewed about 1-2g and felt quite relaxed immediately after, which was quite strange, because other people have said it takes a while to feel any effect. The immediate reaction faded, then I felt normal for around a minute, then I had another bout of extreme relaxation.

Summary: A nice relaxing experience, could hardly be called a trip though. Good to listen to music with :)

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: May 9, 2018Views: 776
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