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Bad Headache
Modafinil & Energy Drinks
Citation:   RollinRock. "Bad Headache: An Experience with Modafinil & Energy Drinks (exp99227)". Feb 21, 2013.

200 mg oral Modafinil
I have taken Provigil periodically for many years mainly to get through long work meetings, late nights out, etc. This year I was in New Orleans and had an of opportunity to ride in a Mardi Gras parade. I figured 200 mg of Provigil was perfect to keep me energized over the 5 hour ride.

I wasn't on any other drug and swallowed the Modafinil at 7:00 PM. By around 9:00, I was kind of dragging even with all the action going on so decided to drink 2 regular Redbulls to endure the rest of the ride. I felt extremely alert afterward and had fun, but on the ride home my head began pounding like I had a severe hangover. My right eye was throbbing and it didn't go away until I was able to finally go to sleep at around 2:00 AM after taking a 10mg Valium.

My conclusion is Provigil is awesome but I will never try to supplement with energy drinks again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99227
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Feb 21, 2013Views: 3,470
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Modafinil (217) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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