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A Good Day
by arah
Citation:   arah. "A Good Day: An Experience with 25C-NBOMe (exp99245)". Jul 13, 2013.

800 ug buccal 25C-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
Everything in quotes is exactly as I wrote it down during the trip after that is supplemental information. This is my first time with the 25c-NBOME compound. I have tried 25i-NBOME and 25b-NBOME before to great success.

10:00AM: 'Placed blotter up in between gums turned on some music, blotter feels like it's chilling the gums'

This is zero time. I just woke up and removed one blotter from a strip and placed it in the upper right part of my gums. It fits snug up there and I think I notice the numbing effect that thus far all the nbome serious has shown. I wait about 15 minutes before getting in the shower to let the compound manifest.

+0.20 I hop in the shower and the first thing I notice is a picture of water on the side of a shampoo bottle, it’s flowing and morphing around the surface of the bottle and coming out of it slightly. I looked around and could see no other visuals. I poke the blotter with my tongue and it tastes awful.

+1:00 'Effects noticeable, hard to type, trailing, noticing small details, clear head if easy to get distracted'

Small things are starting to pop out I look at ceiling that I have seen a thousand times before, before it was just white, not now it is a shimmering painting full of detail and stark contrast. It is beautiful; it is just a white ceiling.

I tried to meditate. That did not go well, my thoughts just flow and I can’t keep a hold on them, can’t calm the storm, it's just energy though, my thought patterns aren’t changed.

+1.05 'Pupils seem a little larger than normal'

+1.08 'Things are starting to get that animated around the edges look.'

+1.55 'pupils dilated. Just went on a walk, felt very introspective. Still seeing trailers, every thing looks very liquid, bright.'

I have been doing some experiments with powdered KMnO4. It’s a very bright purple compound that when added to a solution makes a very nice color. I tried to weigh some of it out and mix it with HCl. However I was finding it quit hard to separate out the small amounts I needed. Motor control was definitely impaired on a fine level, and when I tried to write down my measurements and findings I could not make the letters as small as I wanted them to. They just flowed off the page.

+2.36 'pupils still dilated, slight jaw clenching, visuals still very apparent'

+3.13 'coming down?'

+3.27 'pupils more dilated than +2.36'

+3.34 'things still look wavy if view right'

I am defiantly coming down at this point. I slowly trailed off from there and by about hour 5 or 6 I was back to baseline. Jaw is sore I was clenching it the whole time. I peaked at a plus 2.

I would try this compound again, and if I do probably increase the dose to 1 mg.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99245
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 13, 2013Views: 3,265
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25C-NBOMe (540) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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