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Molly Made Me
Citation:   Mercutio Red. "Molly Made Me: An Experience with MDMA (exp99285)". Feb 21, 2023.

T+ 0:00
150 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 2:30 150 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 8:00   oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP  
After weeks of badgering, my a relatively new but good friend (let’s call him Jay) Jay managed to get me to join him in Atlantic City, NJ for an EDM (Electronic Dance Music) Show this past weekend.

SOME PERSONAL BACKGROUND: I am a student, recovering from the loss of my father in 2009, who recently escaped a bad love situation the day before 2013 started showing up on our calendars. Long story short, I was in an unnaturally long and painful slump. Until this point in my life I have never appreciated this type of atmosphere/music.

Jay told me he wanted me to try Molly (Pure MDMA) with him at the show. I did some research online, ultimately coming to the conclusion that I would try it.

I prepared by buying some materials for the inevitable come-down; large container of pulpy orange juice, and a bottle of 5HTP (5-Hydroxy-Tryptophan).

THE EXPERIENCE: Upon arrival we went into the bathroom and popped the first capsule at 11:00pm exactly. As early arrivals we easily walked out to the front of the dance floor to meet Jay’s friends. Everyone he introduced me to was friendly, welcoming, generous (I drank two beers, and about 5 water bottles that night and paid for none), and rolling.

Twenty minutes of awkwardly dancing around and looking at girls later, I felt a warm, slightly tickly pressure wrap around my head, almost like I put on a nice, thick beanie fresh from the dryer. I felt my mood elevate as I began to feel energized and giddy, generally happy with the way everything was going at that point. I stepped outside into the cold wind off the shore, lit a cigarette and began conversations with complete strangers about where they were from, their jobs, and their likes. I ran into an old friend (and lets call her Sara) and immediately we hugged. I tell you this; that simple hug felt like an explosion of dynamite in my chest. We laughed and spoke about old times, shared pictures of our respective pets with each other and headed back inside. By this time we were holding hands, which heightened my already good mood. We danced for what seemed like minutes but then suddenly Jay pats my arm and tells me its time to take the second capsule.

1:30AM, I take the second capsule and the musical artist takes the stage. As I felt as if I was in the only place that mattered with the only people that mattered.
I felt as if I was in the only place that mattered with the only people that mattered.
I felt as if I won the noble peace prize and the jackpot at the same time. As anyone familiar with this genre would know, EDM encorporates “build ups” and “Bass drops” in which the beat builds rising in tempo until it breaks down into a bass-heavy rhythm. At the moment of the first bass drop I put on special glasses that refract white light into all the colors of the spectrum, and stared in awe as the venue’s lasers exploded into life. The sensation of seeing such beauty, and being so ecstatic literally made me laugh out loud as I moved my body to the rhythm. I chewed gum to keep my jaw busy, and drank copious amounts of water because I did not want to overheat. We continued until about 4:00AM, and by the time we left we accumulated a large group of friends. We sat together in the lobby of the casino where we simply talked, and enjoyed each other’s company. I sat with Sara who was scratching and rubbing my head (gotta love girls who dig short hair), causing one of the most pleasurable sensations I have ever experienced. We cuddled until around 7:00AM, and then went our separate ways.

THE AFTERMATH: Jay and I make it back to our hotel shortly after saying our goodbyes, drink a few cups of orange juice, and take our 5HTP. We both sleep until 12:00PM. I woke feeling good, still energized from the night before; I took a shower and began to pack things up. The ride home was pleasant, full of recounts of how the night went. After arriving home I ate some tuna, worked out and did some homework. On day two of recovery I began to feel the comedown. I definitely felt tired, but I was not “depressed” as the websites claimed I would be- I was more disappointed I couldn’t go back in time and re-live my night. After a few days of regular exercise, both physical and mental, I returned to my regular mindset.

I most definitely have a more positive outlook on life, and for the first time in my life I feel comfortable with who I am.

The circumstances;

1. Obtained from a TRUSTED SOURCE
2. Prepared for the aftermath (Orange juice, 5HTP)
3. Made sure I was going into a fun, positive setting with people I enjoy being around and that I wanted to bond with.
4. Drank loads of water while rolling.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99285
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Feb 21, 2023Views: 447
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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