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Ineffable Immersive Profoundly Beautiful
Citation:   jhinjhoti23. "Ineffable Immersive Profoundly Beautiful: An Experience with DMT (exp99321)". Erowid.org. Apr 10, 2020. erowid.org/exp/99321

35 mg smoked DMT
This is what I wrote down almost immediately after the DMT trip, essentially left unedited except for grammar:

The smoke tasted of burnt tennis balls
The smoke tasted of burnt tennis balls
, and wasn't as harsh as I expected. Everything in the room started to come loose from its normal structure and form, and swarm around the space in front of me. The line and diamond patterns on the sari hanging from the ceiling started oscillating, and then detach and move in ways which seemed to be more than 3-dimensional, as if I was catching a glimpse of the idealised essence of the shape’s perfect form rather than an individual example of it.

After the first couple of tokes, it became hard to judge how far away the Tabasco bottle pipe my friend was holding was, and it soon got lost in a swirling mass of lights, colours, and finely detailed geometric shapes. I leant back, shut my eyes, and was moved away from the ordinary world and perceptual framework, as if I was simultaneously rising and falling. The music (Raga Jhinjhoti by Hariprasad Chaurasia & Shivkumar Sharma) started to bubble and loop itself in 2/3 second cycles, the flute and santoor spiralling towards me and then receding again, as the pakhawaj drum boomed in monsoon-like runs that seemed to last for minutes rather than seconds, all this sound strobing from different directions around me.

It’s hard to describe what I was seeing and perceiving – small not-objects with indeterminate shape and movements swarmed around me, like thousands of lights suspended in a more than 3-dimensional black ocean. There were strong, charactered ‘presences’, which were more like flowing, temporary convergences of these light objects than concrete physical forms. Each seemed to have a message and mood which I couldn't quite understand, and which seemed to just exist rather than be directed at me. A dark sun lit up this geometric, shifting landscape, shining from just outside the right of my perceptual field.

I could hear D and F saying a few words to each other at one point, but it was as if they were separated from where I was by some non-physical barrier, and although their words seemed strangely undistorted, I could not understand and had no later recollection of what they were saying, but in a different way than if I was hearing a foreign language.

My perception of time was warped, and hard to explain, but surprisingly it felt more compressed than stretched. I opened my eyes for a couple of seconds, and was overwhelmed with a sudden flood of shapes, colours, and movements that seemed to overload my senses and mind.

The experience was a conflicting mass of opposites – mathematically beautiful and achingly disordered, deeply relaxing and frighteningly intense, joyful and frustrating, vacuum pure and unfathomably chaotic, but perhaps above all things ineffable. There weren't any revelations or Divine Moments of Truth, although much of the experience was divine
There weren't any revelations or Divine Moments of Truth, although much of the experience was divine
and any given moment of it was unique among everything I've encountered.

The whole trip lasted around 8 minutes, and I returned to a remarkably normal state of mind very quickly, despite the incredible shapes my mind had been pulled into. The experience was so far outside anything else I've undergone that it’s hard to link it back to anything else. I had an excellent group of friends (D, F, and R) and a resultantly excellent mood, and overall the experience was a very positive one which I would love to repeat with more of my friends, at higher doses. It is profoundly interesting and as unique as anything could be.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99321
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Apr 10, 2020Views: 724
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DMT (18) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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