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Colorless Tunnel
Citation:   Anthuenis. "Colorless Tunnel: An Experience with Ketamine (exp9941)". Aug 28, 2002.

50 mg IV Ketamine (liquid)
First time I have found out this agent working as medical technician at ICU, and I heard stories from pacietes (Burns) who were given ketamine IV and/or IM. In a beginning I have also read about negative 'dissociative' effects of K. After some time of doubt to take or not I decided to take but just 50 mg, IV. I have been in a room with my friend, And I suggested him to take it first, explaining him what possibly can be happened to him. He agreed and I pushed 1cc of Ketamine trough his vein. On a half size syringe I marked his face, eyes and mouth. Something very intense and strong was happening.

He just said, WOW, laid down on the floor and start turning his head right -left.

I took another syringe with the same amount of K and pushed it in my veins. The same thing, on a half size of the syringe I have bearly controlled myself to finish pushing of the rest. It was such a flash I have never before experienced. At the beginning I was a little bit afraid, but after one minute I felt that my body is like liquid shaped form, all my joints were very flexible even if I did not make any move. My visual was focusing on a lot of colorless tunnels, graffiti, unknown people, who were just diving into the tunnels, out of the darkness. Auditory, I did not hear music even we were listening some drum'n'bass but one moment of the music change the picture, and I was looking the light at the end of tunnel, like death experience, I was not afraid, did not see the God (I am atheist), angels or even someone known. My entire surface, skin with the holes turn into million of canals, tunnels with different colors (green, yellow, red). I opened my eyes and I saw under the blanket that my hairs on lower limbs are also fluorescent green), my nails were pink, my dog is normally brown, but then he was golden red.

For me, it was a great experience, but after next more times, I found out this trip frightening and boring, so I stopped using ketamine

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9941
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 28, 2002Views: 14,292
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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