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MDPV or Just Garbage?
Unknown (sold as MDPV)
Citation:   HIghguy. "MDPV or Just Garbage?: An Experience with Unknown (sold as MDPV) (exp99458)". Jun 2, 2013.

  repeated insufflated Unknown
Hi, my friend was trying to get some kind of research chemical I forgot which, it was supposed to have a similar effect as mdma. But the company we ordered from was out of stock of that product so we ordered 2 grams of mdpv instead. Well it was supposedly mdpv.

I bumped 25 mgs to start and felt nothing much, then later I bumped another 50 mgs to see if a larger does would produce a better effect, but all I got was a headache and blurry vision. I think this stuff we got was fake. Because I didn't get any stimulation from it at all. And here is the kicker, the company that sold it was in China. What can you expect from a Chinese RC vendor? Well anyway this product was clearly bunk.

By the way I gave it another shot today, I weight out about 50 mgs and snorted it. It burned and produced sort of dizzy feeling as it trickled down my throat. About an hour later I did a little more, this time I accidently poured a little too much onto the scale, so I ended up with 130mgs. But I figure what the hey maybe this will have some effect. Nope just a bigger headache and sense of blurred vision.

I don't know what this stuff is but it's definitly what mdpv is supposed to be. So my point is finding the right vendor is the trickiest part of all in this racket. Whatever I got might have been rat poison. Thank God I am not dead. I am never touching this stuff again, I mean the stuff I got left from my portion of the bunk mdpv. I might try it again if it comes from a different vendor. Good luck and be safe..!


Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99458
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Jun 2, 2013Views: 2,513
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Unknown (120) : What Was in That? (26), Unknown Context (20)

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