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Worst Possible Start to a Great Night
MDMA & Caffeine
Citation:   Anonymous. "Worst Possible Start to a Great Night: An Experience with MDMA & Caffeine (exp99497)". Dec 28, 2022.

  repeated oral Caffeine (liquid)
    oral MDMA (powder / crystals)
Me and my buddies were at my house for a weekend of video games and good times. On the last night we were hanging around and one of them pulled out some molly. I'd never done it before but I always keep an open mind out and figured if there ever was a safer environment to try it it would be surrounded by my friends at my house. We rolled up the powder into toilet paper and swallowed it. I was nervous because I'd heard good and bad things about it. We soon went back to playing counterstrike and having a good time. As I was playing I started to feel light headed which I assumed was part of the drug and thought nothing of it.

Suddenly it hit me like a train. I went from normal to 90% eye dilation in less than 2 minutes. Things seemed to move slower but I could look faster, think faster, and talk faster. I got REALLY motion sick very fast, which is something I don't normally get.
I got REALLY motion sick very fast, which is something I don't normally get.
I darted to the bathroom and threw up everything I had. I felt awful for the next 15min shaking and sweating and throwin up. My friends were scared and I started panicking because none of them felt it yet. We realized I'd made a number of mistakes we didn't catch. I had been drinking soda and energy drinks and became dehydrated quickly.

Once I threw everything up and got some water and bread in me I felt great. It was an amazing trip and I felt super awesome the rest of the night. I could see the trace of my hand when I moved it and it felt like there was nothing in the world that could make me unhappy. I talked fast, moved fast, and just completely felt like the best possible feelings in the world. I actually ended up performing WAY better in video games while I was rolling.This is where Molly is the best and I would definitely try it again.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99497
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 28, 2022Views: 284
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MDMA (3), Caffeine (11) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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