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In School
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "In School: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp99499)". Apr 29, 2018.

10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
It was a regualr day of school. I went to first period and sat next to my good friend. He didnt look like his normal self. I asked him ehat he was on, after a bit of mumbling he sai he was on ambien. I had never done ambien so I boight a 10mg pill for 5 dollars. I decided to wait until first period was over when I relized my good friend wasnt walking so well, I thought I probably get caught. In second peroid I asked to go to the bathroom, I crushed the pill and ate it . After about 10 minites I just felt tired, so I thought it wasnt working. But before I knew it I was tripping balls. Things around me began to melt, and I remember the front desk get up and start dancing around. I looked next to me where a pretty good looking girl sat I was friends with her and her face began to melt. Yet... It wasnt scary, it was actually funny as shit. I looked over to see everybody laughing at me, so I just started laughing too. This whole event lasted about 5 minutes but an hour and45 minutes had actually gone by. I walked to 3rd period I dont actually remember walking there other than the fact that everybody had two heads and my vision was super blurry. In 3rd period I remember the numbers on the board where moving. It was like I had dislexia. And at one point I put my head in my textbook and started rolling it around in circles until the teacher asked what I was dioing. After that I chilled out and started trying my best to right things down until I came down.

I'm surprised I didnt get caught. But ambien was wonderful, I've only done it once, as its extremly hard to find here, but I would love to do it again

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99499
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Apr 29, 2018Views: 1,180
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), School (35)

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