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On and Off for About Six Years
by JoeJ
Citation:   JoeJ. "On and Off for About Six Years: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp99554)". Oct 29, 2024.

10 - 15 mg   Pharms - Zolpidem
Long-term Report of Zolpidem

I've been using zolpidem on and off for about six years.

At first, swallowing 10mg and insufflating 10mg was wonderful. The walls would breath and I'd fall into a sort valium-like bliss. Kinky sex and like, etc. Not long after, I would inject 10-15mg (NOT A GOOD IDEA). Immediately afterwards, I would see the walls breathing. Everything would look alive but filthy. Cold. It wasn't bad. Actually, It was quite comforting.

This was with brand name Ambien. After a while I switched to XR, which was worthless in a way. Years later I was placed back on the regular zolpidem 10mg. Wockhardt is what I'm currently on. Injecting this is just asking for your veins to shut off. Yes, I am speaking from experience. Insufflation was great for a while, but inhaling the fillers is NOT GOOD FOR YOU. Seriously, my lungs are fucked.

In any event, let me explain to you how this substance makes me feel. It's like a benzo, not like xanax, valium, clonozapam or the like. It's more of a hypnotic. When I take it, I feel like my past actions don't mean anything. I have no regrets. The voice in my head disappears. There is no inner-critic to complain.

Drinking with this is just asking to black out and forget what I was doing. Along with a large amount of amphetamines, I tried to repair a treadmill. I've fixed a lot of things. I've broken all of them.

Taking benzo's with this is a waste. I hate to say it, but this drug is probably the most addictive I've ever encountered. More so than straight heroin. More than xanax, mepergan, oxycodone, etc. It's the worst. It's so addictive because it seems to make the parts of me which are horrible/pointless/worthless and fade them away. It takes that small voice I have in the back of my mind, the one that says 'You are worthless' and it shuts it right up.

I love this drug. I think that it has uses far surpassing its label. Every time I get to fill it, I last one to five days. Sometimes, I'll last half a day and use two or three. The rest are destroyed.

Amnesia is very strong with this. However if I pace myself it isn't an issue. I don't inject anything but the brand name. My veins are FUCKED (ie. don't work). After a while, it doesn't feel the same either way. This works better than amphetamines to 'unlock' my potential, as odd as it sounds (I've had multiple head injuries). Go figure.

Ps- I've snorted 30 of these and then drove to the pharmacy to refill them. No problem. Except I don't remember how I got there or how I got home. Be cautious. Be aware.

The amnesia just gets worse as time goes one. Be warned.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99554
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Oct 29, 2024Views: 33
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Unknown Context (20)

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