Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Better Than All the DMT I've Had Combined
Citation:   Whipped Cream. "Better Than All the DMT I've Had Combined: An Experience with Ketamine (exp99599)". Jul 26, 2018.

T+ 0:00
150 mg IM Ketamine (liquid)
  T+ 2:45   oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I decided to take a tester the first time before I delved all the way into the K-Hole, just to get warmed up to it a bit, so this wasn't per say my first time, but I feel that it all combined would be considered my first time. The first time was a small dose, around 30mg I think around a week prior to this. I won't elaborate on any details about that one, as it's not the reason you're reading this report.

Bear with me as I tried to capture as much detail in this report as I could. I timed things out accordingly and used logs of what transpired to get a general guideline of how long each stage of effects were. I ate a lite supper at 5:30PM and didn't drink anything after 8:30PM because I had heard tales of nausea. I am quite glad I did so, though I think having an empty stomach made me feel a tad bit nauseous later on. I waited until my roommate left to ensure I would have a controllable environment and that I would not be disturbed. Prior to the trip, I set up the environment and made it “Trip-Proof” so as to not fall and crack my head open on something, and had a pail close by in case of nausea. I set the ambiance with a calming playlist I found on the internet and partially shaded the lamp in my room so that it put off just enough light to not be pitch black.

At 10:30PM the time had come. I was going to do this. I was anxious leading up to it. I tensed the muscle up and relaxed it preparing for the epic journey I was about to ensue. Once injected, I massaged the site on my thigh to reduce some of the soreness and increase absorption. I laid back on my bed and prepared for the worst. About 30 seconds later, I decided my fan was too loud and got up and cut it off. When I laid back down, the same went for my computer fans because I wanted nothing but pure serenity. The only problem with this is that my music was playing off the PC and if I cut it off I would have no more music. I cut the PC off and managed to hook up my phone via Bluetooth to the speaker and put on some Explosions in the Sky. I later decided that this was a fantastic decision and that EITS was definitely the music that suited the atmosphere.

No sooner had I managed to fix the music, it hit. About 5 seconds longer and the trip would have been music-less. The only way I can describe it was that I transcended time and space. I can't recall all the specifics, except that I was somewhere that was not my room, nor even of this planet. I remember seeing some of my friends faces, even some whose faces I have not ever seen before, but representations of them that I KNEW was them. The faces slowly transformed between each other until they finally settled on one unexpected face, Domo. (If you don't know what Domo is, google image it.) I think this was still related to a friend because I had a past experience with him about Domo and it had been years before (and I know what he looks like), so I'm not sure why I chose that to represent him.

I faded in and out a couple of times, seeing semblances of my room, but certainly was not my room. Each time I came up, I was naturally drawn to the smoke detector (which is the only thing on the ceiling) where there was 4 of them instead of 1. This happened a few times, but the only transition I can remember from that was that the 4 smoke alarms started spinning into a vortex. I tripped hard for 25 minutes on the dot. I don't remember looking at the clock at all, but I apparently started IRC on my phone at 10:55PM. I typed something about space that was completely and utterly incomprehensible. I couldn't read what was being said even on a slow channel as everything was blurry and shifting some still. The whole world seemed like it was scrolling down, when everything was still.
The whole world seemed like it was scrolling down, when everything was still.
I remember marveling at my phone about how it was like a remote and I could turn the music up and down as I wished. At 11:53PM I was sober enough to type comprehensible words on IRC. I was unable to participate in the conversation, more talking to myself.

My entire body was numb except for limited arm and finger movement. At that point I didn't want to move anyway. At 11:10PM I finally tried to move, and failed. At 11:17PM ability to use autocorrect on my phone returned and strings of words turned into meaningful sentences. I was still unable to keep a conversation going but managed to comment on a few things that was said. At 11:20PM I successfully flipped over on my stomach, laying face down on my bed. I decided that was an uncomfortable position and at 11:30PM I managed to get myself up enough to transport my body into my computer chair. I cut on the PC but as soon as I cut the monitor on, I was blinded and it was painful, even with everything dark themed. I ended up sitting at my desk still using my phone because I couldn't stand to have the monitor on.

I commented that (about the experience) “that I had kicked a field goal and gotten a home run”. I started experiencing deep thoughts, the most noticable that manifested itself in my head was “reap what you sew” which got deeper and deeper the more I thought about it. At 11:43PM I decided that I wanted to see what dreams would be like. When I layed back down, I found my eyes open without me opening them (and not realizing they were open) until I realized I was seeing the patterns of my cover shifting.

At 11:53PM I decided that my mind was racing too much, and knew there was no way I was going to sleep, so I managed to get back into my computer chair where I slowly adjusted my eyes to the light of the monitor. The first thing I said when I sat down was “sleep doesnt work when you're mind's on hyperspace”. I heard phones ringing, but there were no phones around me (minus mine which was silent). I looked out the window and couldn't tell if it was foggy or raining, so I stumbled into the living room and opened the window to look out. I heard electronic music coming from another room and immediately wanted to go to the party. I decided I was still in no condition to go party, so I came to the conclusion that I should play electronic music that was louder and better than theirs.

The urge to go to the party was so tempting that I mentioned “Guys don't let me go to a rave tonight, I would rage my face off”. I decided that “Papa Americano” was undoubtedly the best song in the world “and everyone should, can, and will hear it tonight”. At 12:30AM I noticed I was feeling somewhat nauseous but not enough I was worried about being sick. At 1:00AM I decided to eat a piece of toast and that helped immensely. Started drinking whiskey at 1:15AM and the rest of the night was pretty much back to normal.

I stayed up until like 3:30AM mostly because I couldn't sleep. My mind was not able to calm down enough to sleep. 13 hours post injection, I woke up and noticed I had no soreness at all, unlike the first time in which I did not massage the injection site.

Long story short, I felt very satisfied with the results. I'm sure that most of that is far greater detail than any of you were looking to know, but I wanted to recapture as much of the experience as possible from what I had pieced together from what had transpired. Thus concludes my 2 page trip report on a fantastic adventure. In my honest opinion, this one experience with ketamine was better than all the experiences of DMT I've had, combined.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99599
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 26, 2018Views: 1,273
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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