MXE in the Park
Methoxetamine & Cannabis
Citation:   S. Guy. "MXE in the Park: An Experience with Methoxetamine & Cannabis (exp99616)". Dec 6, 2013.

T+ 0:00
40 mg insufflated Methoxetamine
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
  T+ 0:45 50 mg insufflated Methoxetamine
  T+ 1:30 150 mg insufflated Methoxetamine
This was quite a while a go but one of the experiences of mxe that sticks out the most. This was the second time I tried mxe. First was in a controlled condition as with all first-times.

My perception of time was dilated (a lot) so I cannot give accurate times. I think it was over the course of 6-9 hours total. I start off in my house at around 4:00pm.

[+00:00] 40mg insufflated; weed smoked. The weed high came on but I knew I'd have to wait for the mxe.

[+00:30] Beginning to feel the onset of the mxe: general (but unknown) change in consciousness but does not impair vision or movement.

[+00:45] Sounds are becoming more prominent for lack of a better phrase; vision is still dynamic and movement 'feels different'. 50mg insufflated. I leave my house for a walk as I am meeting a friend in 1-2 hours (I think). Although I don't need to leave for over an hour a walk feels like it would be nice.

[+01:00] Listening to progressive-house and dubstep which sounds amazing and listening to songs which are similar in style to MXE (such as klaypex - crazy). I feel much more robotic and disconnected from my body but at the same time still in perfect control. Vision is 'jittery'; as if my graphics card is lagging and I see everything in 2 fps. Body also feels 'numb' but not in the way that I can't feel it.

[+01:30] I am at the park sitting on a bench, feeling the effects much stronger now which are not dissimilar to NOS (Nitrous Oxide). I now decide that I want to M-Hole, although looking back I think that was a bad decision. As a side note if you are on it be aware of your judgement and try to get second opinions where possible. I go to a secluded place within the park and measure 2 lines of 50-100mg (didn't have scales so I guessed); insufflated.

[+??:??] Now is the point where I cannot guess the times; time went so slowly and each song lasted a day; which was nice because they sounded amazing. Of course I was aware of the dilation.

Sitting back on the bench I begin speaking to a group of people on the other bench which isn't like me; I usually keep to myself and don't talk to anyone, especially strangers.

With my headphones on I didn't notice the difference in audio perception. With them off talking to these people all sounds sounded extremely distant and muffled. These people must have been only a couple years younger than me; and I shared a joint with them.

After that I met my friend and the effects of the other 2 lines were becoming apparent. I felt extremely disconnected from everything; as though I was watching what I was doing in a cinema; but still in moderate control of my body. Not like tipsy or anything; just hard to will my muscles to move.

Me and my friend went to sainsburrys to get drink and snack, although I didn't eat anything. I soon felt like I was going to collapse and became quite panicked about this, telling my friend to hurry up because I need to sit down. The effects now were more than what is fathomable to imagine with a sober mind; very much like nos with a bit of ket thrown in. Sitting down was much nicer. Without having to worry about moving my muscles I could just sit there and ride the feeling of mxe; which isn't easily explainable.

We soon moved to the park again where I began to lose control of my body. Mentally I was all there telling myself to get up but my body wouldn't respond well, like trying to move my arm after I've slept on it. At this point audio perception had changed a lot with a weird metallic reverb which was louder than the sounds themselves. Similar to the sound you hear when you put your ear at one end of a metal slinky and drop the other allowing it to hit the floor and bounce up.

We went somewhere more secluded where I laid down. My friend said I was laying for about 20mins but it felt like a week or something. Couldn't move; just sinking into the ground thinking about nothing but it felt good, really good.

From that point onwards the effects subsided and died down although at least 2-4 hours after until normal levels, after the dissociative part and once my vision was back to normal. Other effects became apparent, effects which are more akin to psychedelics. I seemed to like the look of everything and colours were quite vibrant.

I went home and browsed picture on my computer which all looked amazing; pictures of natural beauty like waterfalls and such.

Since that experience MXE has become one of my favorites.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99616
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Dec 6, 2013Views: 8,504
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Methoxetamine (527), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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