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Opiate Glow
Citation:   kratosgurl. "Opiate Glow: An Experience with Kratom (exp99723)". Apr 12, 2016.

4.8 g oral Kratom (capsule)
I've tried Kratom before, but I guess I just wasn't taking the right dose, or that effects differ between batches.

The last Kratom I tried was Indo Bomb... nothing too special, but then I bought some maeng da in capsules of 800mg each, I hadn't had anything to eat, but I was starving so I took 6 capsules while eating a sandwich; easy to get down in capsule form.

At first I didn't feel much of an effect, if anything I was imagining a come up, because come 4hrs later I get home and get hit by an opiate high which is recognizable, there was a soft glow to everything, and I was itchy enough that I considered benadryl which I usually take when I consume codeine, but I decided to ignore it. I did feel like I was going to puke after smoking a cigarette however, so that wasn't too pleasant, but overall I found it to be what I was looking for, opiate high without the use of chems.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99723
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 12, 2016Views: 2,931
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