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My Body Feels Different
Citation:   Big Nugget. "My Body Feels Different: An Experience with Cannabis (exp99739)". Mar 24, 2021.

.75 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Trippy First Time Smoking

Well the first time I smoked weed was magical, trippy, in a good crazy way. So here is how the night started out.... My parents had just left for a party I was home alone. I just picked up some really skunky bud, and my first bowl. I had no clue really what to expect and I think that is what added to the experience. So I go onto my screened back porch ( which really is my fav place to smoke now a days). I sit on the couch, turn on some Kid Cudi (music is a must have when smoking, especially trippy music) So I pack my first bowl coughing my ass off drooling. I feel that when I start drooling( over salivating) then I am beginning to become stoned. Well I'm starting to feel weed after about 2 bowls. I start laughing, feeling very happy. I say to myself in between laughter this is like pure happiness, I see why people love this drug/ herb. So at this time I am about 20 minutes in. I decide to go inside then it hits me. Life really feels like a video game/ cartoon my vision is kind of fuzzy. So I'm running around my house acting stupid feeling like a pov video or something. I decide to go up stairs now this is where it gets a little trippy. Kid Cudi - Hyyerr is playing I decide to go look in the mirror. I am moving my hands around my body feels different is it really mine. I felt as if I was inside my eyes and I have spent my entire life in there. It is very trippy to stand still in the mirror and not move. Now I just went to sleep after this. I was tripping out of my mind and couldn't explain it. Well that was my first time lots of fun.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99739
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Mar 24, 2021Views: 554
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Alone (16)

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