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In Love With and On This Drug
Citation:   Scary Feeling. "In Love With and On This Drug: An Experience with MDMA (exp99750)". Jul 9, 2019.

2 tablets oral MDMA
All I have to say is: wow. This drug is like a truth serum.

I did MDMA in its crystal form a year ago; two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to do ecstasy and, given my prior excellent experience with MDMA, I couldn't pass it up. A friend and I took two 150-mg Green Riddlers and though the ecstasy pills weren't as overwhelming as the crystallized MDMA, they were still pretty phenomenal.

So I decided to take 2 pills last night with a guy I like. I was worried that, since I'd done the drug as recently as 2 weeks ago, that it wouldn't really take hold of me as good as it did previously. And while I definitely didn't feel the maximum effects of the drug as much as the guy I liked did, it was a fantastic experience. We hadn't had anything to drink (except vitamin water), so our trip was purely thanks to the wonderful E.

Being touched felt amazing. Touching him felt even better. We could feel the music playing. Our eyes were shaking and we were sweating. We showered together and it was, bar none, the best experience I've ever had on a drug. He told me he was falling in love with me. I told him I loved him. And, from there, we shared our feelings for one another.

Thankfully in the morning, we didn't regret a thing we said.
Thankfully in the morning, we didn't regret a thing we said.
I have to admit, though, that I wasn't sure if he'd feel silly about it all when coming off the drug. I don't want to do the drug again unless it's with him. The comedown was very gentle, although we slept in until 4:30 in the afternoon. Our trip lasted a good 5 hours.

Full disclosure: I was *so* aroused, as in dripping uncontrollably, but he couldn't get a hard-on no matter what. Yet, the experience felt greatly sensual.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99750
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 584
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MDMA (3) : Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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