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Life Changing Sex of the Highest Order
Citation:   Dangerously fun. "Life Changing Sex of the Highest Order: An Experience with MDMA (exp99770)". Erowid.org. Apr 23, 2020. erowid.org/exp/99770

1 tablet oral MDMA
  1 tablet oral MDMA
I’ve always experienced MDMA as a love drug, something I would take with my girlfriend and enjoy a fun evening together. I’ve experienced it in a club setting with dance music, but didn’t enjoy it as much as a quiet evening enhancer. It has a bonding effect that’s unlike anything else I’ve experienced.
It has a bonding effect that’s unlike anything else I’ve experienced.
And for many guys like myself, it’s difficult and awkward to really open up physically and emotionally to our partners, so MDMA is a wonderful experience to let go and just enjoy.

This evening was gearing up to be a very epic night. My GF and I took a road trip from San Francisco to Calistoga and rented a room at a local spa. One of the unique elements of this spa is the mud baths: Tubs filled with mud and warm water that you soak in, completely suspended without any pressure points. The treatment was in four parts, each of which was incredible.

We started off taking one tablet each in the hotel room, estimated at 120mg MDMA. About 30 minutes later my GF was feeling the effects, it took me another 15 minutes to come up. Just when I started feeling the tell-tale signs of rolling (eye wiggles, tingly sensations, a feeling of being “light”) it was time for our appointment at the spa. We walked over like giggling school children into the spa and put on our soft white terry robes. It felt amazing, like I could feel every fiber caressing my body!

We were instructed to take a shower together in a large couples shower room. Once we saw each other naked we were instantly fixated on each other and I could have spent the whole evening there. Her breasts were cleaner than they had ever been! Then we were to soak in a jacuzzi for 10 minutes then followed by the mud baths. Each tub was filled with coarse warm mud. Stepping into the tub was the most amazing sensation, my body wanted to find the bottom of the tub but they were virtually bottomless. The deeper I went the warmer the mud got. Every inch of my body was screaming out in pleasure. Once I was suspended it felt even more incredible. There was no single pressure point and moving felt very heavy.

We then showered off and the assistant wrapped us in the softest cotton, snugly, then placed in two lounge chairs in a quiet private room with soft music. I was in heaven, just enjoying the serenity, but my GF had other intentions. She became so erotically charged that she unwrapped herself and straddled me. I unwrapped myself and we embraced in the most incredible way. We were connected mind and body and a warm glow of erotic energy was pouring out of us uncontrollably. I could literally feel her erotic energy without touching her. The pheromones were flying and I swear I could smell, taste and feel them in the air.

I’ve always had problems getting it up while rolling, but this was such a highly charged experienced that I was suddenly rock hard and nearly bursting. I’ve never felt that kind of attraction before, I didn’t even realize it was possible! I had to be inside her immediately, and suddenly I was. She was so incredibly wet, soft and suddenly we were having the most incredible sex I could ever imagine. Every nerve was screaming out and we were connected in a way I’ve never experienced since. Just before she reached climax, we realized that we were in a semi public area and we had better chill. Just then the attendant came in and luckily we were detached, robes in disarray.

The final part of the treatment was a 30 minute massage. It was hilarious because at that point we were anything but relaxed and just couldn’t stop talking to each other. Note: A professional massage isn’t ideal when rolling, it’s very difficult not to start rubbing the masseuse back!

Afterwards we raced back to the room, dropped a second 120mg pill each, lit dozens of candles, put on some music and then had incredibly charged sex for hours. We were both completely free of all anxiety and hangups, free to express ourselves and try all kinds of fun new things including anal and role laying. Nothing was forbidden, all of our desires and fantasies were expressed with enthusiasm.

At one point we ran out of the room naked into my car and sat there listening to music very loudly naked. It felt wonderful and free. Then we wandered out on an adventure to the local bar, the whole time taking in the beautiful night air and sounds of the little village. At the bar we couldn’t keep our hands off each other and looked like two high school kids making out uncontrollably. I reached under her skirt and discovered she wasn’t wearing any underwear, dripping wet.

Finally the night ended talking for hours and enjoying the afterglow of the most amazing erotic experience I’ve ever had. I wouldn’t even call what we encountered sex, it was so much more. It was like jumping into a pool of pure erotic energy absorbed into every pore of my body.

Since then we’ve moved on
Since then we’ve moved on
, but I hope she cherishes that evening as much as I did and feel the same chills when thinking about it. I would love to reach that level once again.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 99770
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Apr 23, 2020Views: 1,281
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MDMA (3) : Sex Discussion (14), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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