A Fractal View of Birth and Death
Citation:   Puablo. "A Fractal View of Birth and Death: An Experience with DMT (exp99808)". Erowid.org. Mar 3, 2020. erowid.org/exp/99808

40 mg smoked DMT (powder / crystals)
    smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The following experience I am about to talk about happened some time ago. I was relatively young when I first tried DMT. In fact, I tried DMT after only doing Shrooms once. I went back and looked at some notes I had written of the experience when I first had it and thought I would share this first experience, as it had a different flavor to it than any of my others:

It was a spring evening and my friend G had just gotten what he called the “Spirit” molecule in. Honestly I was down to try anything at the time. I had done no research and had completely no idea what I was in for. Even to this day, I realize preparation is a joke when it comes to DMT.

We find a nice spot to park next to the mountains around noonish. He loads the bowl of this yellow-crystalline substance on top of regular cannabis, warning me, “It’s going to hurt your throat like hell man,” but I ignore him and take the deepest hit I can. As I exhale, I immediately feel my throat screaming a firing promise of pain to my senses. In fact, my esophagus hurt so bad I swear I felt a piece of it falling off- I focused on this piece of throat and thought I was bleeding- right here is when I felt a “glossy” feeling over everything in my vision.

The mountains were right in front of me and I saw them start to criss-cross. That piece of esophagus felt like it fell into my stomach, and I swear as soon as it did I tripped into a “tri-dimensional multi-delusional” reality of pure ecstasy.

My vision became so strange I could hardly bare it: fractals and vibrating patterns evolved out of thin air. I felt something beckoning to me, some unknown force that told me my very existence depended on those mountains: I became so upset, because as soon as I thought that, they got up and walked away. The criss-crossing had dissolved into a “sealike” dissipation of an ever clear blue sea.

I somewhat remember hearing my friend saying “Haha, look at those mountains? See any creatures? You got those DMT eyes.”

I thought he was moronic. There were no mountains anymore. I felt that enormous “pull” once again and this time I had to close my eyes. The strangest thing was that the blue sea (the sky, I’m guessing) followed me into my vision. I saw a million faces (some sad, some happy, some bizarre) below the sea screaming up towards the heavens, begging for a chance at redemption: the forces of stars and planets above shouted down algorithms of millions of phosphenes and tri-dimensional fractals that the faces ate, and cried tears of joy!

Inside my “self” I realized this “thing” pulling me was the most beautiful force I had ever known. I really wish I could describe this part better. It is so ineffable, so insulting to the very thing to try to describe it: I am only depriving it of meaning by putting words on the “force.” The force spoke to me, it guided me, it raped me, it ate me, it harnessed me, it fed me- every possible thing both horrible and ecstatic which seemed like a million years of the purest love and hate I have ever known, all with underlying contentment and millions of endless fractals and “living” multi-dimensional worlds.
It’s hard to explain, but the above paragraph happened while other things were happening. The experience was not limited to one perspective. So much was happening at one point in time at any point in time that in reality it was multiple times inside of one time….ugh.

I saw a completely white view in front of me. A blimp like structure was floating that had the most beautiful infrastructure. The geometry was infinite, spiraling and pulsating into light and breath. I had been brought to an alien world: inside the blimp I knew something might and powerful was happening. The deepest secrets of all the universes were in that single room: below I saw the faces again, crying up again, asking for mercy.

This time, I saw the above forces of planets and stars bring fire and death upon every face in this world. I saw them all die and perish. The force outside of me pulled me back into my frame of “self” first here- I had seen what I was supposed to, I felt, the beginning and ending of a very world and story, an epoch of some civilization that I felt was so very interconnected to my own.

As soon as this had started, I felt my eyes opening again and G asking if I was back. He said I had only been gone for 5 minutes or so. I saw strange tracers in the sky for a few minutes or so afterwards, then promptly went back to school from lunch.

For the next few weeks, I had the most vivid dreams I have had in my entire life. I had dreams where I was other people, beings, creatures. Still to this day I remember this trip and consider it life changing in the understandings of the 'roles' of universes and dimensions.

DMT rockedmy world. It is in a completely separate class than other psychedelics. Nothing could have prepared me. DMT does what it wants.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 99808
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 3, 2020Views: 654
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DMT (18), Dreams (85) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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