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A Useful and Promising Stimulant
Citation:   lesseroftwoevils. "A Useful and Promising Stimulant: An Experience with 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (exp99831)". Sep 15, 2014.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 40 mg insufflated 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:00 30 mg insufflated 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:15 30 mg insufflated 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I decided to start out with an oral 40mg dose. Wow, this stuff is bitter! Not exactly the bitter flavor of MDMA (this was actually a lot more sour), but it was still rather unpleasant. You'd better have a cup of your favorite beverage on hand to wash this down quick!

The effects took a little longer to hit me than normal stims do (30-45 minutes vs. almost an hour here), although I'll be doing another trial run soon to make sure. After that initial hour, I felt a focused and 'clean' high that was very amphetamine-like. Honestly, I think it has quite a bit of potential as a study aid, as I never felt any 'moreish' effects or compulsion to redose more at these dosages. But of course, I redosed anyway...

About t:1:15h into my saga, I decided to insufflate another 40mg dose. It was quite harsh route of administration (sort of reminded me of snorting ketamine, only a little cleaner), but it got the job done. After about the hour and a half mark I gradually started to feel more stimulant effects, but nothing too out of the ordinary.

At about t:3:00h and t:4:15h in, I upped the notch a little and insufflated another 30mg. This was a mistake, as I gradually noticed more 'tweaked out' effects and chest tightness that made me uneasy. The separate dosages appear to have interacted with one another more than I first realized, and by the end of my session, I have even experienced some unusual heart palpitations. Not good...

◙ Final Thoughts: Did I overdo it? Yes, especially for a first time experience with a basically unknown drug. I also underestimated the 2-FMA's apparent duration, which was closer to three hours than it was to two for me. It seems 140mg total in that short period of time was way too much to handle. Suffice to say, I experienced a few side effects, most noticeably the aforementioned chest pain and tightness.

That being said, I don't think the redosing problem was on account of a compulsion to do more, but rather a lack of foresight and awareness on the timing of my redoses. I didn't have an overt sexual drive that I often have on normal stimulants, and I generally felt very clearheaded and focused. The comedown was surprisingly mellow as well (in my brief experience, better than any other stimulant I've tried, especially given my dose). All in all, this appears to be a very controllable drug that's perfect for use as a study aid. I can't recommend it for daily though, as there's practically zero research on its neurotoxicity, along with very few trip reports. Overall though, a very promising drug that deserves more hype. Here's hoping this is only just the beginning!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99831
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2014Views: 9,994
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2-Fluoromethamphetamine (668) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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