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Never Thought I Would Feel This Good
MDMA, Cannabis & Alcohol - Beer
Citation:   Elliah. "Never Thought I Would Feel This Good: An Experience with MDMA, Cannabis & Alcohol - Beer (exp99904)". Feb 5, 2022.

4 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  3 bowls vaporized Cannabis  
    smoked MDMA  
    oral MDMA (capsule)
I have consumed alcohol for years, and used marijuana on a fairly regular basis for the past year; but what made this night so different was the Molly.

I had been talking with a couple of friends about trying Molly, but I was very unsure as I had heard several bad things; plus with the harder drugs you never know what you’re getting unless you have a trusted source. But I figured if I ever had a trusted friend I could try it with, I would. I had been talking a lot with a good friend/coworker and he stated he had access to it, if I wanted to try it. I figured what do I have to lose, I trust him, he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me. So I said sure, get one and I’ll try it this weekend (we had plans to hang out anyway).

I came over to his place-we had plans to have dinner, smoke/drink (I had gotten a new vaporizer and wanted him to try it), and watch movies. Just your typical Saturday night. I had a couple beers, vaporized about a bowl and a half, and was feeling pretty good. He asked me if I was ready to “pop the Molly”; I expressed that I was feeling nervous/scared, and he he reassured me that he would not let anything bad happen to me. Still feeling unsure, I hesitated -- he knew I was really nervous so he brought me another beer, lit some of the Molly and proceeded to smoke it (so I wouldn’t take the whole pill and get the full effect). I was drinking, smoking, and inhaling the smoke from the Molly; and I realized how much better I was starting to feel. Not that I felt bad before; but the awesome feeling was even more awesome. All my nerve endings were firing and my senses heightened, and it felt like I was more in tune with how I was feeling, with the positive aspects of my life and environment. All I could think were good, happy thoughts, and things that felt good before (i.e. the fuzzy couch) felt 1000 times better. There are just no words to describe how amazingly euphoric I felt.

I had been working out a lot lately, and my friend and I are both big into fitness, so we had been talking about ways to improve our workout, new movements we’d tested, what protein the other uses, etc. He knew I had never had a massage before, and had stated at one point that he would give me one. He started rubbing my back, and my body just exploded into ecstasy. Every inch of skin he touched felt warm and tingly, and sent waves of pleasure through my whole body. What would normally have been a simple, friendly touch was a sensual, tantric experience. I expressed to him how good it felt to have my back rubbed; he asked if I wanted to take advantage of that massage. I said yes; but he said before I did he wanted to make sure it would feel as good as possible. So at this point he offered me what was left of the Molly, and I took it. He took my hand and led me to the bed, and told me to lie facedown. He lifted my shirt and put lotion on my back and proceeded to rub my back. I remember thinking “it’s like he knows exactly what my body needs”. Every stroke of his hands sent shock after orgasmic shock through my body, to the tips of my fingers and toes and everywhere in between. As he massaged my back he removed my shirt so he wouldn’t get lotion on it; and I removed my bra so he could get my whole back. Every single touch just lit me up more and more; I thought the feel-good would stop, like I’d hit some kind of plateau at some point, but I didn’t. It only got better.

I won’t go into the rest of the evening because you all can probably guess what happened….but long story short, absolutely nothing bad happened. I felt a little bit sick the next morning but I’ve definitely felt much worse after a night of just drinking.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99904
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Feb 5, 2022Views: 734
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MDMA (3) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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