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Purple Drank Not What You Thank
Promethazine & Codeine (Cough Syrup)
by Jerk
Citation:   Jerk. "Purple Drank Not What You Thank: An Experience with Promethazine & Codeine (Cough Syrup) (exp99973)". Erowid.org. Jun 2, 2013. erowid.org/exp/99973

    Pharms - Promethazine
Last night a mix was made out of a promethazine/codeine cough syrup bottle that was hanging around, as it was an old prescription.

Half a bottle was mixed with some sprite and jolly ranchers. It tasted great.

Being in 'lean' sucked ass, however. It felt like you wanted to throw up but you couldn't, but the euphoria was nice.

It's really hard to shit, if you try this I would recommend milk of magnesia to help with the constipation.

Upon waking, eyes wouldn't track right. They couldn't focus very well.

Strange stomach pains all day, probably from constipation. Couldn't think or focus on things very well.

Overall it was okay, but not worth it. I wouldn't recommend it.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99973
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2013Views: 22,026
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Pharms - Promethazine (336), Codeine (14) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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