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Escaping the Mouth of the Elf-God-Army
Salvia divinorum (extract)
Citation:   PsyHi. "Escaping the Mouth of the Elf-God-Army: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (extract) (exp99978)". Dec 22, 2021.

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0.5 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
IMAGINE...a divine creature made up of individual creatures; it communicates in an elfish voice; it introduces itself by swallowing the bed that you lay in; 60seconds after finishing the then jump onto the floor while watching a psychedelic trip movie made just for Salvia until AFTER the trip...knocking all kinds of shit over like; WTF!? You look back; half of your room is being deVOURED by this supreme being(s) and while it's doing this, it's calmly communicating to your mind's eye (in its elf-like voice) that 'this is ok' and to just let it happen, 'it's time that you come home; we've been waiting for you' huWHAT!? JUST LET IT HAPPEN!? IT'S OK FOR YOU TO ENGULF EXISTENCE

I'm watching it do this I rush out the door trying to escape being swallowed, I'm in my boxers...tank top laughing like shit and I look back, the house almost gets eaten and that's when it stopped; I was ready to run down the street. I was outside until I's cold out here! is going on so...I go back into the house as fast as I could...I look back; all the doors are open; I run out to close the doors as inconspicuously as possible; I have neighbors nshit not to mention the other housemates: who are basically normal cable-tv watching individuals, who love casinos...

The CRAZIEST reality/dream so far...there's more to come what a dangerous place to call home *EARTH*!...thank GOD it only lasted about 1-2 minutes otherwise I'd be either dead, in the hospital, or in jail due to me being all weirdo nshit! Besides that!? I have no problems with this plant! AMAZING!...THIS IS NOT FOR CITY DWELLING ENVIRONMENTS where lots of people are present!

*the fire was lit, divinity was held >deeply< for as long as possible *about 3minutes to kick*.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99978
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Dec 22, 2021Views: 59
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Alone (16)

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