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Ten Seconds of What the Fuck
Nitrous Oxide
Citation:   Sumeru. "Ten Seconds of What the Fuck: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide (exp99986)". Mar 2, 2022.

  inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
So, I know I shouldn't have done this... I tapped into the whipped cream again. Now it's going to be runny and shit and I feel bad because my parents wont be able to put proper whipped cream on their ice cream. Shit, I just had to though, y'know?

This time around, I decided to get as much in my lungs as was physically possible. I'm accustomed to just taking a breath of the stuff from whipped cream cans, but as soon as I grabbed this can I inhaled as deeply as I ever have, packing the No2 into every nook and cranny of my lungs. I did this all in three huge inhalations without exhaling, just forcing as much nitrous as I could into my body as quickly as I could.

Once I couldn't breathe anymore, I put the can back in the fridge and closed the door. My journey to the kitchen table, which was 20 feet away from me, seemed very odd though. My depth perception went sort of weird, I felt my body vibrate and my insides go numb... especially my skull. It felt as if my brain was vibrating inside of my head as I walked from the fridge to the table. Walking was usually simple enough, but the disassociation hit me on this ten second venture and all the while I had no recognition of myself being the individual who was walking. It was as if I was just a formless voyeur or pure consciousness from some outside dimension who happened to be inhabiting the space behind this dumb fridge-raiding fuck's eyeballs, looking out, through them. I was watching this guy walk from his fridge to his table, when all of a sudden I realized that guy was 'me'.

This bizarre epiphany made my heart jump, and my lips quivered and my hands got clammy for a second as I tried to avoid becoming anxious. I just couldn't deal, in that split second, with the concept that 'I' wasn't really 'me'. It was some sort of Buddhist-esque, horrifying revelation that had captivated me for all of two seconds, until I sat down at the table and I started coming down from what was all of a ten second dissociative trip.

Nitrous really makes me trip, but the high is one of the shortest any drug can give you. It's still well worth it, I think. I realized that I'm just some accumulation of particles going through dumb routines on a daily basis... routines like huffing gas from whipped cream cans, for instance. Nitrous helps put thing into perspective for all of half a minute, maybe. It makes things fun, odd, trivial, and most amazingly, unreal.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99986
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Mar 2, 2022Views: 607
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