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Tripping with 25I
25I-NBOMe & Cannabis
Citation:   HIGHroller. "Tripping with 25I: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe & Cannabis (exp99989)". Oct 1, 2013.

T+ 0:00
1 hit buccal 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:45   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 24:00     25I-NBOMe  
  T+ 24:00 2 shots   Alcohol - Hard  
  T+ 24:00     Cannabis  
So my friend (who I will label as J) and I decided to try acid for the first time a few months ago. Not only did we enjoy ourselves, we found that we loved it and wanted to do it again. But because of how hard it is to come by lately, we had given up hope on ever feeling that same thing ever again.

That is, until just this past week when I got in touch with someone (who I will label N) willing to sell me 25i-NBOMe for $5 a piece. At first, I was hesitant. There wasn't much research done because it was such a new drug and I was unsure of the consequences.

But as I found different websites people were raving about how great their experiences were while on this drug. After reading that the effects were similar to acid and that not many people have died from the drug itself (not to say there haven't been deaths. Just none directly related to 25i), my friend J and I decided to give it a try.

So I met up the N and bought four from him (two for that night and two for 4/20 that was coming up). J and I from there bought pot because when we smoked it with acid, it intensified our effects ad made us seeing smells and hear colors.

Later that night, around 7:30pm, we decided to take one tab each by placing it under our bottom lip. After about fifteen minutes, we put it under our tongue before finally swallowing the blotter.

Taking about 30-45 minutes to kick in, we had our friend (who I will label as C) driving us around. Finally, at about 8:30, the effects really started to kick in. I don't remember all that happened in the car ride, only that I couldn't stop laughing and I felt like we were going through some kind of portal to another dimension. J, of course, felt the same way. Through the first few hours, J felt nausea while I felt perfectly fine. We think this has to do with eating before we took the 25i. But that can be entirely wrong. So next time we take it, I won't be eating at all and see how I feel.

At about 9:30-10:00pm, we arrived back at C's house where we decided to roll our first blunt and see if it would intensify the 25i like it did acid. Aside from J having a hard time rolling, it did indeed intensify our trip.

We sat outside C's house in two chairs as we were literally watching the bushes bloom in front of us. After about another hour of this, we go into C's house and into his room and watch Storm Chasers.

While watching, it seemed as though the tv show was lagging and everything was in slow motion. But the best and scariest part was when one of the characters actually turned to look at me, with a demonic look in his eye and a creepy smile on his face, as he demonstrated squeezing something in his hands, like a a head. I asked both J and C if they had seen that same thing, but both said they hadn't and that I was just tripping. After the episode, J and I decide to go back to my house for the remainder of our trip.

Once we were in my room, J decided to roll another blunt for us to smoke. Once we were done, J and I decided to do our own thing for a while. I was watching tv, actually thinking I was there with the characters of That 70's show, while J was listening to music on my computer.

After about another hour of silence, J put the computer aside to tell me about his experience. It was difficult to comprehend what he was saying, as time itself seemed to slow around me and he was speaking in slow motion, but I remember exactly what he was saying.

He had decided to listen to Lil Wayne first and told me that his mind literally believed that Lil Wayne was the devil himself and that his voice sounded demonic. It was scary, but also very cool. The music seemed to get louder in his ears and all he could do was picture Lil Wayne as a demon, rapping to all of demonic mistresses.

Then, he decided to listen to Muse. An experience he said he'd never forget. And while he was listening, he said he kept having flashbacks and thinking a lot about the past.

While I was tripping and watching tv, I thought I had jumped into the tv show and was right there with all of the characters. Though, the tv seemed to lag a bit, it was quite an enjoyable experience.

After we finished discussing what happened during our trip, J used the restroom. Once he came back, he told me that he had thought something was in the bathroom behind the curtain, like a ghost. He even said, 'Boo!' and moved the curtain to look in the actual shower and then laughed his ass off all the way back to my room. And that was when I noticed that I was coming down off the 25i, though J hadn't gotten there yet.

Finally around 5:00am, J and I lay down in bed and watch tv for a while, still chatting and watching each other as time started to pick back up slowly again. Before I knew it, it was noon the next day and I was back in reality.

The next day, we decided to take it again. We didn't know that we were supposed to wait a couple of days in between doses because your body begins to build a tolerance to it. Even though I had a mild trip, J felt nothing at all. That is, until later that night where we began to drink and smoke pot with a few friends (O, T, and C).

After taking only two shots, I felt the 25i, but in a scary way. Both mine and J's heart were racing rapidly and found it took a lot of effort to even speak quietly. J said that as he sat there, the music slowed down and the voices seem to warp in his mind. My friend C looked like a demon in my eyes, so I was keeping a very close eye on him. Even though he is no demon, my mind thought he was and I was very paranoid.

We finally got back to my house at 4:00am (after smoking another blunt) and fell right to sleep.

I do not recommend drinking while on 25i. It just was not a fun experience for me or J. Other than that, 25i seemed to mimic acid, but not completely. I don't seem as much as I do on acid, but I do still trip. J and I will definitely be doing this again, but with a higher dosage, 2 tabs; 2000 ug. But also remember that this drug is new and not research thoroughly, so it is possible to overdose. We only needed one tab (1000 ug) for us to have this awesome experience. Don't over do it thinking you're experienced enough! You aren't! 25i is a monster all in its own. Treat it as such.

Hope this helps anyone who reads. :)

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 99989
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 1, 2013Views: 6,974
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Cannabis (1), 25I-NBOMe (542) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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