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Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
Donate and receive yours!
Erowid Announcement #57
Jul 31, 2005
Friends of Erowid,

April, May, and June were incredibly busy months at Erowid headquarters and are just now getting our ToDo lists back under control.

The current Matching Grant Campaign has one month left. We still have $6,000 in matching funds available (half of the original total) and we need your help to make sure we don't lose these funds. "Plus" level memberships of $33, $50, $100, and $175 made before August 31, 2005 will be matched. We can still match 120 people donating at the $50 level. Join now through this offer and you can receive a copy of the Erowid Archive on CD (as well as a variety of other gifts).

We welcome submissions, suggestions, criticisms, or corrections at

fire & earth


    Event Announcement

    Psytopia : Aug 17-23 : Jamaica

    Psytopia is a week-long event including music, parties, talks, and recreation held in a major resort on the west end of Jamaica. It is a fundraiser for MAPS, NORML, the Albert Hofmann Foundation, the Drug Policy Foundation, and COSM (Alex Grey). With numerous live bands, DJs, speakers, circus school, psychedelic tattoo artists, the event sounds like it should be a lot of fun. Here's the promotional abstract for the event:
    "Psytopia is an all-inclusive 7 day psychedelic festival of the mind in Jamaica with amazing speakers and moving music from around the globe. From Aug 17th - 23rd we will take over both the Hedonism III and Breezes Runaway Bay and only attendees of the event will be there. For the whole seven days you will be surrounded by only like-minded individuals like yourself who have come to learn, share and experience an amazing array of possibilities.

    This will be a 24/7 event and includes all the amenities. The ticket price ($950) covers all food & drinks at any of the 12 restaurants and includes many activities: 21 speakers, 14 DJs, nightly concerts on the beach under the Jamaican moon, laser shows, circus school, snorkeling, SCUBA diving, sailing, and surprises you would have never thought of."

  1. Erowid Archive CD

    Many Erowid friends and members have been asking for it and it is finally available. In early June, we released the first beta of the Erowid Archive on CD. Complete copies of the archive are also available for download (see the above URL).

  2. Erowid Extracts

    Issue #8 of Erowid Extracts was sent to members in June, so issue #7 from November 2004--focused on the common psychoactives of Oaxaca Mexico--is now available to read online in PDF format. Individual articles have also been added to the vaults:


    News & Updates

    The Origins of Chocolate

    Meme Cultivation: Data-safe Quotes Update

    Mind States Oaxaca

    The Spirits of Maguey

    Hot Chiles: Surfing the Burn

    Erowid Extracts' New ISSN Number

    A Journey to Huautla

  3. The Erowid Review

    We're quite happy with how the new Erowid Review is doing and now need a few more people to sign up as regular reviewers. After you've written a couple of accepted reviews you can receive free books to review and a free Erowid membership (newsletter, t-shirt, etc). If you'd like to join the Erowid Review team, email

    9 new reviews (June):

    6 new reviews (July):

  4. London Conference

    In June, Earth and Fire spoke at the "Drugs: The Shape of Things to Come" conference that was put on by Drug Treatment Ltd ( It was a small conference, but the attendees were well-informed and interesting. Our small budget doesn't allow us to visit England or Europe much, so it was a great chance to meet some of the harm-reduction, media, and legal people involved in this work.

  5. Fly-Agaric Motifs in the Cú Chulaind Myth Cycle

    This 1999 article by Tom Riedlinger postulates on the connection between Amanitas and a hero from ancient Irish mythology.

  6. Fresh Psilocybin Mushrooms Now Controlled in Britain

    A law from April, 2005 finally came into force in July making it illegal to buy, sell or possess fresh psilocybin mushrooms. Mushroom vendors around Britain have stopped their sales although there has been some press asking the government to reconsider their position because of the lack of evidence of harm associated with psilocybin mushroom use.

  7. Erowid Grafiti Seen in Klaipeda, Lithuania

    An amusing photo taken in Klaipeda, Lithuania. Thanks to MS for taking and submitting the photo.

  8. 1955 Article about Hofmann's Discovery of LSD

    "On a Friday afternoon, April 16th, 1943, while working in the laboratory, I was seized by a peculiar sensation of vertigo and restlessness. Objects as well as the shape of my associates in the laboratory appeared to undergo optical changes. I was unable to concentrate on my work..."

  9. Art Vaults

    Twelve new artists have been added to the art vaults in June and July.

    June Featured Artist: Felix Stoever

    July Featured Artist: Darrel Lucas

  10. 10 Books Added to the Library / Bookstore

    Erowid uses printed reference materials to help maintain the accuracy of our online library. Please consider contributing a book, poster, or related catalog--see Erowid's wishlist--or contact us about donating from your own collection. New books recently added include:

    San Pedro & Related Trichocereus Species

    Out of It: A Cultural History of Intoxication

    Concise Handbook of Psychoactive Herbs

    Alcohol in Ancient Mexico

  11. 417 New Experience Reports

    Note also that there are some minor changes to the Experience Report Vaults. A rating system of three stars (instead of colored stars) is now used for reports rated highly by our triage & review crew. Also, by default, reports rated very low will no longer display in basic lists. These reports still appear in search results if the show cellar checkbox is selected.

For a more complete listing of What's New at Erowid go to:
Conducts laboratory testing of street Ecstasy tablets.

Between Jun 3 and Jul 31, results were posted for 19 new tablets.

As of August 1st, is out of money and will no longer be able to accept pills sent in for testing. We are currently seeking grants to support this important project.

We are seeking professional grant writers with experience and knowledge of how to write grants for medical and health related projects. Although we have only non-profit level funding, this could be paid work.

If you find Erowid a useful resource and are interested in supporting its future development, please consider donating or becoming a member.


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