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Anonymous Image Submission
Erowid is trying to expand its core collection of high resolution images of psychoactives including pills, tabs, gelcaps, powders, plants, plant material, seeds, etc. If possible these photos and scans should be 300 dpi or higher.

There are two image submission forms. This form is for submitting images anonymously. Although no system is completely secure, this form adds a reasonable level of privacy and anonymity for those who don't want their name, IP address, or email address associated with the files they upload. For non-anonymous submissions, use the basic image submission form.

This form is only for images for which the submitter owns the copyright and is granting full copyright priviledges to Erowid. We very much appreciate your contributions! (why we want full permission)

We will vigorously defend the privacy of our contributors and visitors. We assume that all submitted images are legitimately possessed and do not reflect illegal possession or violation of any law by the contributor. Because images are submitted anonymously, no questions will ever be asked about the source of images.

  • images of psychoactive powders, pills, tabs, containers, etc
  • paraphernalia, accoutrements, or other psychoactive-associated objects
  • live plants, dried plant material raw, prepared, and/or packaged
  • seeds, extraction setups, etc
This form requires Netscape 3.x or MSIE 4.x or later.

Image 1:
Example Description : Amanita Muscaria - Growing beneath a pine in Northern California.
If you have additional images you can upload them at the same time.
Image 2:
Description 2:
Image 3:
Description 3:
Image 4:
Description 4:

By submitting these images to Erowid you are granting full permission for Erowid to use the images on, in promotional literature, and in both electronic & print publications.