This file is a part of the 1999 Hyperreal Drug Archives Snapshot. This snapshot is
hosted by Erowid and will not be updated after October 1999. The information in
these files may be out of date. See Erowid's Psychoactive Vaults for more current info.

rec.drugs and related FAQs


READ THE MISC FAQ FIRST!!!! If it is in here it typically means that people on rec.drugs are totally sick of reading about it, there is little possibility that you can add anything new to the discussion, and you should carefully plow through any and all related material you can find on this site + others to determine if there really is anything unique you can add to the topic. Then read rec.drugs for 3 months, and if you're still just itching to post it and get flamed, go right ahead...

...and don't say you weren't warned.

Administrivia and Miscellaneous


Other Drugs

Of possible Historical Interest: September 23, 1994 | Lamont Granquist
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