This file is a part of the 1999 Hyperreal Drug Archives Snapshot. This snapshot is
hosted by Erowid and will not be updated after October 1999. The information in
these files may be out of date. See Erowid's Psychoactive Vaults for more current info.

Chemical Synthesis

"Speed Kills" -- Haight-Ashbury, 1967

All of the information contained herein describes chemical syntheses which involve or produce illegal chemicals. None of these articles are guaranteed to be free of errors which could result in physical harm to anyone who attempted them. All of the information needs to be treated maturely.

And remember that this is not information provided solely for the benefits of underground chemists. You need to know how methcathinone is synthesized to be able to carry on an intelligent discussion of the possible risks presented to users by the use of chromates in the synthesis (for example). Same goes for heavy metal contaminants on other products.

Distribution of methamphetamine synthesis instructions has been debated and we have plenty of obvious reservations. Meth is a very easy drug to synthesize that results in enormous short-term profits for the dealers, but tends to torture the users and ultimately the dealers (often with prison sentences). The usual route is that someone will make some fast money off of meth, start doing too much of their product and wind up pulling some stupid stunt while they're sketching from the paranoia and get busted or killed. Another popular way to make an exit from doing speed chemistry is to not understand how to handle solvents like diethyl ether and wind up blowing yourself up (diethyl ether forms explosive solvent-air mixtures that can ignite off a spark across the room and race back to detonate the bottle that you stupidly left open -- and it forms explosive peroxides that will detonate when you try to unscrew the jar). And then the people you'll have to deal with to sell your product are simply the nicest people in the world -- particularly when they're paranoid. You'll probably need to buy a gun for protection -- but of course then you'll wig out after you've done too much of your own product and do something stupid with the gun and wind up bringing the cops to your lab. Don't think it won't happen to you, it will. Meth is often loads of fun for everyone involved.

Speed also just tends to fuck up a lot of users. Before you go out and decide to synthesize a substance, take a few years to get to know what you're going to be contributing to. And maybe just plain give us a break? -- go out and synthesize some E or LSD, and *really* just use the meth stuff for informational purposes only, ok?


