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cover image
Dorm Room Dealers
Drugs and the Privileges of Race and Class
Rating :
Author(s) :
A. Rafik Mohamed
Erik D. Fritsvold
Pages :
Pub Date :
Edition(s) at Erowid :
2010(hb,1st ed,fine/n)
Publisher :
Lynne Rienner Publisher
Why do affluent, upwardly mobile college students - who have everything to lose and little to gain - choose to sell drugs? Why do law enforcement officers largely overlook drug dealing on college campuses? With rich, lively details, A. Rafik Mohamed and Erik Fritsvold deliver unprecedented insight into the world of college drug dealers - and offer an important corrective to the traditional distorted view of the US drug trade as primarily involving poor minorities. Drawing on three years of fieldwork at a predominately white private university, their exceptional ethnography skillfully explores issues of deviance, race, and stratification in the US war on drugs.