Can we go beyond discovering, describing, and domesticating 'mindbody' states as they now exist, and start designing new states?That is Tom Roberts' question and this book is his answer: Yes we can, if we embark on a new kind of scientific endeavour, exploiting the potential benefits of psychedelics for humanity. The book explores four areas:
- Stanislav Grof's view of our minds as a way to understand works of art (looking at Disney's Snow White).
- Evidence that psychedelic-occasioned mystical experiences may boost our immune systems.
- Psychedelics adding new cognitive programmes to our thinking skills.
- Expanding intelligence and redefining what it means to be well-educated.
"Tom Roberts has written an easy going, laid-back, even light-hearted yet extremely profound book. He proposes essential and radical reformulations of ideas in medicine, psychology and education. They're spot on. Some of my previous favorite points of views have been forever changed. My world is richer, more open, and more inviting now."-- James Fadiman, PhD, author Unlimit your Life and The Other Side of Haight