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Psychedelic Illuminations


Talking Law with RGB, Esq.: An Interview with Richard Glen Boire, Esquire, Editor of The Entheogen Law Reporter, by James Kent
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 8, 1995/1996: 6-8
(Online Copy) (PDF)


Close Encounters of the Panaeolus Kind, by John W. Allen
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 58-62
(Online Copy) (Hardcopy)

How to Raise the Mushrooms, by John W. Allen
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 32-33

How LSD Originated, by Albert Hofmann
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 36-39

Shamanism Between Worlds, interview with Thomas Pinkson
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 46-52

Shamanism, Sacraments, and Psychiatrists, by Gary Bravo M.D.; Gharles Grob M.D.
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 54-57

Walking the Razor's Edge: Drugs and the Spiritual Path, by Aeon McCloud
Psychedelic Illuminations Issue 5, 1994: 16-20