What happens when chaos theorist Ralph Abraham, morphogenetic fields theorist Rupert Sheldrake and entheoprovocateur Terence McKenna get together to talk shop? A surprisingly lucid trialogue of crosspollinating far-flung speculation on the nature of reality, consciousness, the imagination and human destiny.
Chaos, Creativity and Cosmic Consciousness (earlier published as Trialogues at the Edge of the West) is edited from transcripts of a ... [ read more ]
A cursory glance at the areas of inquiry of researcher Rupert Sheldrake might set off some skepticism alarms: paranormal events, morphogenetic fields, psychic phenomenon involving pets. But Sheldrake is careful to not sound like a quack in a book that asks to be taken seriously by both scientists and inquisitive laymen. In Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, ... [ read more ]