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Visionary Cactus Guide


L. chichipe -

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. griseus -

This species is native to the Northeast coast of Venezuela and surrounding islands. Grown in several tropical American countries for its edible fruit. Can also be classified as Stenocereus griseus.

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. hollianus -

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. hystrix -

Native to the arid regions of Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto rico and Cuba. Can also be classified as Stenocereus hystrix.

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. prunosis -

Native to central and Southern Mexico. Can also be classified as Stenocereus pruinosus. Has nocturnal blooming flowers.

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. queredonis -

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. stellatus -

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. treleasei -

Reported to contain unspecified alkaloids.

L. weberi -

( Cardon ) Native to the Pueblo and Oaxaca States of Mexico. Has edible fruit. Can also be classified as Stenocereus weberi.

Contains: heliamine, lemaireocereine, O-methylcorypalline, nortehuanine, pilocereine.