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Visionary Cactus Guide


The name of this Genus is an anagram for Bolivia. More than 70 species included, mostly from Argentina, Bolivia and Peru.

L. allegriana -

Can also be classified as Lobivia hertichiana. Native to the Urubamba valley of Peru.

Reported to contain: tyramine.

L. aurea ( Britton & Rose ) -

This species forms large clumps due to the many tillers it sends out. The greyish-green, globular to elongated stem grows to 15 cm high. The 24 ribs are tuberculate and come to a sharp edge. The depressed areoles are felted and each bear 14 pinkish-white, radial spines. The funnel shaped, open flowers range in color from white to pink. Native to Sierra de Cordoba in Peru. There are many varieties of this species.

An uncommon species to find under cultivation. Propagate from basal shoots.

Reported to contain: tyramine.

L. backbergii ( Werdermann ) -

Native to La Paz, Bolivia, growing at an altitude of up to 3600 meters. This Cactus is characterised as a small, spherical stem that is surrounded by a myriad of shoots. This bright green plant usually has 15 ribs that are divided by oblique grooves, with areoles growing in depressions along the sharp edges. The 5 cm long spines number 3 to 7, and are brown when younger and grey when mature.

An easy to grow species, but with a few important constraints. It needs shade in the heat of Summer and a strict Winter rest period. Propagate by basal shoots.

Reported to contain: tyramine.

L. binghamiana -

Reported to contain: tyramine.

L. huasca -

Reported to contain: tyramine.

L. pentlandii ( Hooker ) -

This species is native to Northern Bolivia and the Andian plateaus and slopes of Southern Peru. It's dark green, cylindrical stem ramifies from the base to form clusters. Felted areoles line the edges of 25 to 30 ribs. Each areole is armed with 7 or more, brownish, radial spines that grow to 5 cm. The slender flowers are reddish-brown to pink at the centers. There are many varieties of this species.

Propagate by seed or shoots. Needs a large pot to accomadate a large root system. Since it's natural habitat is in volcanic soil, it has adapted to more acidic conditions.

Reported to contain: tyramine.