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Marijuana Resin & THC
An Excerpt from Marijuana Grower's Insider's Guide

Resin itself, or an abundance of resin glands, is not a good indictator of potency. A mj variety may have copious amounts of resin and still be nearly worthless for smoking; another variety may have little apparent resin, but it may be super-potent. This is because much of the resin is made up of inactive ingredients, and the resin might contain mostly inactive cannaboids. Also, the active cannaboids (THC,THCV, etc.) are only necessary in amounts small enough that they may not be major components in the resin. Surprisingly, the few scientific studies that have compared the concentration of resin glands or resin to potency have found that the concentration of resin glands was negatively correlated with the potency (in other words, the fact that a variety of mj is resinous or has a lot of resin glands has little to do with its potency) Experience connoissers actually may look for a non-resinous but very potent variety - who needs cough inducing resin if it doesn't add to the high?