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Yerba Mate Chemistry
by Erowid

Yerba mate contains caffeine, theobromine and a number of other xanthines.

The ground leaf and stems of yerba mate (as sold for use as a tea) have a caffeine content of approximately 1-2%.

The ground leaf and stems of yerba mate (as sold for use as a tea) are reported to have a theobromine content of approximately 0.1-0.6%.

Related Links
Caffeine Content of Yerba Mate: a brief summary
Does Yerba Mate Contain Caffeine or Mateine?

  1. Pomilio AB, Trajtemberg S, Vitale AA. High-Performance Capillary Electrophoresis Analysis of mate infusions prepared from stems and leaves of Ilex paraguariensis using Automated Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography. Phytochem Anal. 2002;13:235-241.