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(FILE) Part A - Introductory Provisions
(FILE) Sec. 801. Congressional findings and declarations: controlled
(FILE) Sec. 801a. Congressional findings and declarations: psychotropic
(FILE) Sec. 802. Definitions
(FILE) Sec. 803. Repealed. Pub. L. 95-137, Sec. 1(b), Oct. 18, 1977, 91
(FILE) Part B - Authority To Control; Standards and Schedules
(FILE) Sec. 811. Authority and criteria for classification of substances
(FILE) Sec. 812. Schedules of controlled substances
(FILE) Sec. 813. Treatment of controlled substance analogues
(FILE) Sec. 814. Removal of exemption of certain drugs
(FILE) Part C - Registration of Manufacturers, Distributors, and
(FILE) Sec. 821. Rules and regulations
(FILE) Sec. 822. Persons required to register
(FILE) Sec. 823. Registration requirements
(FILE) Sec. 824. Denial, revocation, or suspension of registration
(FILE) Sec. 825. Labeling and packaging
(FILE) Sec. 826. Production quotas for controlled substances
(FILE) Sec. 827. Records and reports of registrants
(FILE) Sec. 828. Order forms
(FILE) Sec. 829. Prescriptions
(FILE) Sec. 830. Regulation of listed chemicals and certain machines
(FILE) Part D - Offenses and Penalties
(FILE) Sec. 841. Prohibited acts A
(FILE) Sec. 842. Prohibited acts B
(FILE) Sec. 843. Prohibited acts C
(FILE) Sec. 844. Penalties for simple possession
(FILE) Sec. 844a. Civil penalty for possession of small amounts of certain
(FILE) Sec. 845 to 845b. Transferred
(FILE) Sec. 846. Attempt and conspiracy
(FILE) Sec. 847. Additional penalties
(FILE) Sec. 848. Continuing criminal enterprise
(FILE) Sec. 849. Repealed. Pub. L. 98-473, title II, Sec. 219(a), Oct. 12,
(FILE) Sec. 850. Information for sentencing
(FILE) Sec. 851. Proceedings to establish prior convictions
(FILE) Sec. 852. Application of treaties and other international
(FILE) Sec. 853. Criminal forfeitures
(FILE) Sec. 853a. Transferred
(FILE) Sec. 854. Investment of illicit drug profits
(FILE) Sec. 855. Alternative fine
(FILE) Sec. 856. Establishment of manufacturing operations
(FILE) Sec. 857. Repealed. Pub. L. 101-647, title XXIV, Sec. 2401(d), Nov.
(FILE) Sec. 858. Endangering human life while illegally manufacturing
(FILE) Sec. 859. Distribution to persons under age twenty-one
(FILE) Sec. 860. Distribution or manufacturing in or near schools and
(FILE) Sec. 861. Employment or use of persons under 18 years of age in
(FILE) Sec. 862. Denial of Federal benefits to drug traffickers and
(FILE) Sec. 863. Drug paraphernalia
(FILE) Part E - Administrative and Enforcement Provisions
(FILE) Sec. 871. Attorney General
(FILE) Sec. 872. Education and research programs of Attorney General
(FILE) Sec. 873. Cooperative arrangements
(FILE) Sec. 874. Advisory committees
(FILE) Sec. 875. Administrative hearings
(FILE) Sec. 876. Subpenas
(FILE) Sec. 877. Judicial review
(FILE) Sec. 878. Powers of enforcement personnel
(FILE) Sec. 879. Search warrants
(FILE) Sec. 880. Administrative inspections and warrants
(FILE) Sec. 881. Forfeitures
(FILE) Sec. 881-1, 881a. Transferred
(FILE) Sec. 882. Injunctions
(FILE) Sec. 883. Enforcement proceedings
(FILE) Sec. 884. Immunity and privilege
(FILE) Sec. 885. Burden of proof; liabilities
(FILE) Sec. 886. Payments and advances
(FILE) Sec. 886a. Diversion Control Fee Account
(FILE) Sec. 887. Coordination and consolidation of post-seizure
(FILE) Sec. 888. Expedited procedures for seized conveyances
(FILE) Sec. 889. Production control of controlled substances
(FILE) Part F - General Provisions
(FILE) Sec. 901. Severability
(FILE) Sec. 902. Savings provisions
(FILE) Sec. 903. Application of State law
(FILE) Sec. 904. Payment of tort claims
(FILE) Sec. 951. Definitions
(FILE) Sec. 952. Importation of controlled substances
(FILE) Sec. 953. Exportation of controlled substances
(FILE) Sec. 954. Transshipment and in-transit shipment of controlled
(FILE) Sec. 955. Possession on board vessels, etc., arriving in or
(FILE) Sec. 955a to 955d. Transferred
(FILE) Sec. 956. Exemption authority
(FILE) Sec. 957. Persons required to register
(FILE) Sec. 958. Registration requirements
(FILE) Sec. 959. Possession, manufacture, or distribution of controlled
(FILE) Sec. 960. Prohibited acts A
(FILE) Sec. 961. Prohibited acts B
(FILE) Sec. 962. Second or subsequent offenses
(FILE) Sec. 963. Attempt and conspiracy
(FILE) Sec. 964. Additional penalties
(FILE) Sec. 965. Applicability of part E of subchapter I
(FILE) Sec. 966. Authority of Secretary of the Treasury
(FILE) Sec. 967. Smuggling of controlled substances; investigations;
(FILE) Sec. 968. Service of subpena; proof of service
(FILE) Sec. 969. Contempt proceedings
(FILE) Sec. 970. Criminal forfeitures
(FILE) Sec. 971. Notification, suspension of shipment, and penalties with