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All References with Titles containing 'heroin or diacetylmorphine761,1708789024' OR with Authors including 'heroin or diacetylmorphine761,1708789024' OR with Abstract including 'heroin or diacetylmorphine761,1708789024' OR with Keywords including 'heroin or diacetylmorphine761,1708789024'

Author Title JournalName Year   D
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Burroughs W Letter From A Master Addict To Dangerous Drugs British Journal of A... 1956
Ungerleider JT, Tisher DD LSD Today Medical Digest 1967
Glatt MM Dangers of LSD Lancet 1967
Cheek FE, Newell S, Saret... The down-head behind an up-head - The heroin addict takes LSD Int. J. Addict 1969
Associated Press Kids Shooting Peanut Butter San Francisco Chroni... 1969
Savage C, McCabe OL (LSD) therapy of drug addiction. The drug abuse contr... 1972
Pittel SM Psychological Aspects of Heroin and Other Drug Dependence 'It's So Good, Don't... 1972
Pittel SM Three Studeis of the MMPI as a Predictive Instrument in Methadone Main... Proceedings of the F... 1972
Savage C, McCabe OL Residential psychedelic (LSD) therapy for the narcotic addict. A cont... Arch,Gen,Psychiat. 1973
Seitz G Eine einfache Methode zur Identifizierung von Rauschgiften Muench Med Wochensch... 1973
Welsum RA A simplified procedure for the identification of drugs from the illici... J. Chromat. 1973
Green DE, Hertel RH Rapid, Automated Analysis of Drugs by Direct, Multiple-Ion Detection Abstr Papers, Am Che... 1973
Ketz E The effect of anticonvulsants and some psychotropic drugs on the conve... Electroericeph.clin.... 1974
Janzik HH, Kroenert K, Gu... Hormonal Evaluation in Young Drug Addicts J.Pharmacol. 1974
Munch JC Phencyclidine: pharmacology and toxicology Bulletin on Narcotic... 1974
Johnson BD Understanding British-addiction statistics Bulletin on Narcotic... 1975
Kandel D Stages in Adolescent Involvement in Drug Use Science 1975
Loo H, Caroli F La Conduite Toxicomaniaque dens ses Rapports a la Conduite Suicidaire Ann.Med.-Psychol 1975
Masoud A N Systematic Identification of Drugs of Abuse I: Spot Tests J.Pharm.Sci. 1975
Trube-Becker E Drogenabusus mit Todesfolge Med. Klin. 1975
Woodford WJ Rapid Screening Procedures For Some Strfet Drugs By Thin Layer Chromat... J. Chromatography 1975
Suwanlert S A study of kratom eaters in Thailand Bulletin on Narcotic... 1975
Stanton MD Drugs, Vietnam, and the Vietnam veteran: an overview Am J Drug Alcohol Ab... 1976
Dibenedetto M Electrodiagnostic Evidence Of Subclinical Disease States In Drug Abuse... Arch. phys. Med. 1976
Masoud AN Systematic Identification of Drugs of Abuse II: TLC J.Pharm.Sci. 1976
Rorke CV, Harris HA, Cata... Spot Tests Used for Systematic Identificalion of Drugs of Abuse: A Res... J.Pharm.Sci. 1976
Wheals BB Forensic Applications of Liquid Chromatography Proc. Anal. Div. Che... 1976
Gould LC, Berberian RM, K... Sequential Patterns of Multiple-Drug Use Among High School Students Arch Gen Psychiat 1977
Lurie I Application of Reverse Phase Ion-Pair Partition Chromatography to Drug... J.Assoc.Offic.Analyt... 1977
Caponeri MA, Charles Nich... Urgenze e Tossicomanie Clin.Ter. 1978
Shaffer H Methadone and Pregnancy: Perspectives and Prescriptions J Psychedelic Drugs 1979
Stern L In Vivo Assessment of the Teratogenic Potential of Drugs in Humans Obstetrics and Gynec... 1981
Finnegan LP The effects of narcotics and alcohol on pregnancy and the newborn Ann N Y Acad Sci 1981
Gough TA, Baker PB Identification of Major Drugs of Abuse Using Chromatography Journal of Chromato... 1982
Young RE, Milroy R, Hutch... The Rising Price Of Mushrooms The Lancet 1982
T.A.-Gounh. and P.B. Bake... Identification of Major Drugs of Abuse Using Chromatography:-An Update Journal of Chromotog... 1983
Renfroe CL, Messinger TA Street drug analysis: an eleven year perspective on illicit drug alter... Semin Adolesc Med 1985
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Psychostimulant properties of MDMA NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Gold LH, Geyer MA, Koob G... Neurochemical mechanisms involved in behavioral effects of amphetamine... NIDA Res Monogr 1989
Stohler R, Rommelspacher ... [Beta-carbolines (harman/norharman) are increased in heroin dependent ... Ther Umsch 1993
Gable RS Toward a Comparative Overview of Dependence Potential and Acute Toxici... Am J Drug Alcohol Ab... 1993
George S, Braithwaite RA Drugs of abuse screening in the West Midlands: a 6 year retrospective ... Ann Clin Biochem 1994
Sarnyai Z, Kovacs GL Role of oxytocin in the neuroadaptation to drugs of abuse Psychoneuroendocrino... 1994
Smith ML, Hughes RO, Levi... Forensic drug testing for opiates. VI. Urine testing for hydromorphone... J Anal Toxicol 1995
Ferrara SD, Tedeschi L, F... Fatality due to gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB) and heroin intoxicatio... J Forensic Sci 1995
Squier MV, Jalloh S, Hilt... Death after ecstasy ingestion: neuropathological findings J Neurol Neurosurg P... 1995
Moore KA, Mozayani A, Fie... Distribution of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and 3,4-methy... Forensic Sci Int 1996
Bakir AA, Dunea G Drugs of abuse and renal disease Curr Opin Nephrol Hy... 1996
Onwudike M Ecstasy Induced Retropharyngeal Emphysema J Accid Emerg Med 1996
Kintz P, Tracqui A, Mangi... Sweat testing in opioid users with a sweat patch J Anal Toxicol 1996
Marlette D Did You Do Drugs, Daddy? Esquire Magazine 1996
Kauert G, Rohrich J Concentrations of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cocaine and 6-monoacet... Int J Legal Med 1996
Beardsley PM, Balster RL,... Evaluation of the discriminative stimulus and reinforcing effects of g... Psychopharmacology (... 1996
Coomber R The adulteration of illicit drugs with dangerous substances--the disco... Contemporary Drug Pr... 1997
Gerada C, Ashworth M ABC of mental health. Addiction and dependence--I: Illicit drugs [publ... BMJ 1997
Robson P, Bruce M A comparison of 'visible' and 'invisible' users of amphetamine, cocain... Addiction 1997
Lenton S, Boys A, Norcros... Raves, drugs and experience: drug use by a sample of people who attend... Addiction 1997
No Authors Listed Helping patients who misuse drugs Drug Ther Bull 1997
Spatt J, Glawar B, Mamoli... A pure amnestic syndrome after MDMA ('ecstasy') ingestion J Neurol Neurosurg P... 1997
Uhl M Determination of drugs in hair using GC/MS/MS Forensic Sci Int 1997
Gervin M, Smith R, Bamfor... Chasing the dragon: experience in Ireland and association with 'Ecstas... Addiction 1998
Moeller MR, Steinmeyer S,... Determination of drugs of abuse in blood J Chromatogr B Biome... 1998
Henman AR, Paone D, Des J... From ideology to logistics: the organizational aspects of syringe exch... Subst Use Misuse 1998
Kovera CA, Kovera MB, Sin... Decreased Drug Craving During Inpatient Detoxification with Ibogaine Paper presented at t... 1998
Mash DC, Allen-Ferdinand ... [Ibogaine:] Clinical Observations of Safety after Single Oral Dose Adm... College on Problems ... 1998
Henman AR, Paone D, Des J... Injection drug users as social actors: a stigmatized community's parti... AIDS Care 1998
Gore SM Fatal uncertainty: death-rate from use of ecstasy or heroin Lancet 1999
Pedersen W, Skrondal A Ecstasy and new patterns of drug use: A normal population study. Addiction 1999
Ramsey JD, Johnston A, Ho... Death rate from use of ecstasy or heroin Lancet 1999
Lind J, Oyefeso A, Pollar... Death rate from use of ecstasy or heroin Lancet 1999
Rogers A, McCarthy M Drugs and drugs education in the inner city: The views of 12-year-olds... Drugs: Education, Pr... 1999
Gore SM, Drug Survey Inve... Effective monitoring of young people's use of illegal drugs: meta-anal... Brit J of Criminolog... 1999
Kidwell DA, Smith FP Susceptibility of PharmChek Drugs of Abuse Patch to Environmental Cont... Naval Research Labor... 1999
Rohrich J, Zorntlein S, P... Effect of the shampoo Ultra Clean on drug concentrations in human hair Int J Legal Med 2000
Henry JA Metabolic Consequences of Drug Misuse British Journal of A... 2000
Mieczkowski T, Newel R Statistical examination of hair color as a potential biasing factor in... Forensic Sci Int 2000
Samyn N, van Haeren C On-site testing of saliva and sweat with Drugwipe and determination of... Int J Legal Med 2000
Tagliaro F, Valentini R, ... Hair analysis by using radioimmunoassay, high-performance liquid chrom... Forensic Sci Int 2000
Uhl M Tandem mass spectrometry: a helpful tool in hair analysis for the fore... Forensic Sci Int 2000
Waldo CR, McFarland W, Ka... Very young gay and bisexual men are at risk for HIV infection: the San... J Acquir Immune Defi... 2000
Rella JG, Nelson LS, Hoff... 7 years of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) toxicity Int J Med Toxicol 2000
Hernandez SC, Bertolino M... Dextromethorphan and its metabolite dextrorphan block alpha3beta4 neur... J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2000
Siliquini R, Faggiano F, ... Patterns of drug use among young men in Piedmont (Italy) Drug and Alcohol Dep... 2001
Gervin M, Hughes R, Bamfo... Heroin smoking by 'chasing the dragon' in young opiate users in Irelan... J Subst Abuse Treat 2001
Golub A, Johnson BD, Sifa... Is the U.S. experiencing an incipient epidemic of hallucinogen use? Subst Use Misuse 2001
Baumann MH, Pablo J, Ali ... Comparative neuropharmacology of ibogaine and its O-desmethyl metaboli... Alkaloids Chem Biol 2001
Skender L,. Karacic VV, B... Quantitative determination of amphetamines, cocaine, and opiates in hu... Forensic Sci Int 2002
Moeller MR, Kraemer T Drugs of abuse monitoring in blood for control of driving under the in... Ther Drug Monit 2002
Parry CD, Bhana A, Pludde... The South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (SACENDU)... Addiction 2002
Gross SR, Barrett SP, She... Ecstasy and drug consumption patterns: a Canadian rave population stud... Can J Psychiatry 2002
Golub A, Johnson BD The misuse of the ‘Gateway Theory’ in US policy on drug abuse control:... International Journa... 2002
Hao W, Xiao S, Liu T, You... The second National Epidemiological Survey on illicit drug use at six ... Addiction 2002
Indig D, Thackway S, Jorm... Illicit drug-related harm during the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games: implic... Addiction 2002
Krupitsky E, Burakov A, R... Ketamine psychotherapy for heroin addiction: immediate effects and two... J Subst Abuse Treat 2002
Simonsen KW, Kaa E, Niels... Narcotics at street level in Denmark. A prospective investigation from... Forensic Sci Int 2003
Cole JC, Sumnall HR, O'Sh... Effects of MDMA exposure on the conditioned place preference produced ... Psychopharmacology (... 2003
Gibbs T, Ross L Illicit drug use related attendances at accident and emergency service... Health Bull (Edinb) 2003
Kleiman MAR Costs and Benefits of Immunotherapies or Depot Medications for the Tre... Committee on Immunot... 2003
Frishman WH, Del Vecchio ... Cardiovascular manifestations of substance abuse: part 2: alcohol, amp... Heart Dis 2003
Vupputuri S, Batuman V, M... The risk for mild kidney function decline associated with illicit drug... Am J Kidney Dis 2004

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